Katy Perry See Through & Sexy (73 Pics + GIFs & Video)

Watch interesting content from the filming of Katy Perry’s ‘Bon Appétit‘ music video. Katy Perry is a music singer-songwriter, actress (Raising Hope – TV, 2012) from Santa Barbara, California (US). Age – 32.


55 thoughts on “Katy Perry See Through & Sexy (73 Pics + GIFs & Video)

  1. NoComparison

    Her hair is an abomination, like Rat Cow’s face, but her tits are even better than Rat Cow’s low-life career boosters.

    1. Zing Ting

      At 1:14 in the video, the editing isn’t good enough as the star on her right breast moves just enough to show a little something and confirm you can see through it.

  2. zippo

    why the fuck are they posting this shit if you can tee a damn thing? just dont do it, I can see this anywhere…now cue comments from the gay troll

  3. Moonman

    This is just pure bullshit released for publicity.
    If you watch the actual music video you can clearly see that her clothing isn’t see trough AT ALL. At no point you can see her nipples.
    They simply took footage of the behind the scenes and added those stars to make it look edgier than it actually is. Now people are going to be trying to find the uncensored version.
    She did the same thing a while back when she was shilling for Hillary. They filmed a video with her dressed in a bra and simply added a black box over her tits.

    1. smh

      At one point when she is laying down the stars move and you can see there is a nipple there. It’s see through enough where if this wasn’t censored, it would a huge deal. Comparing this to that other thing makes you sound really dumb fyi, this is nothing like that.

  4. HD

    Negative 100 points for false advertising. Once again.

    She needs to leak some nudes or a sextape. Or just stop already, stop it all, because nobody is searching for her bs.

  5. Mikeyf

    In one of the pics the star isn’t in the right place it’s on her leg and the bra isn’t see through at all

    1. zippo

      she coulda done worse and shilled for that Orange Bastard Trumpkist Orange cheeto…. that lying sack of shit….

      1. Uninformed freeloader

        Yeah, right a lying treasonous self serving murderer is better than self centered egomaniacal trump. The Clinton cartel have left more bodies in their wake then the mafia. She was instrumental in the Uranium one deal where 20% of US uranium went to Russian interests and yet points fingers at trump for Russia connection? The Clinton foundation was a sham for them to enrich themselves in exchange for political favors. Bernie gets bought out as a result of DNC backing Killary. Seth Rich, DNC informant to Wikileaks mysteriously killed? Yeah, what a convenient coincidence. Msm feeds the idiot Shillary questions in debates and she still loses election to trump. That’s true failure right there. She lies to congress and FBI about missing state dept emails, handhelds were destroyed with hammers, and servers cleansed with bleach bit as she covered up her treason. Highly decorated vets have gone to jail and lost freedom for a fraction of what that cunt did. Clinton lost and has been on her excuses tour since – blaming Russian interference and promoting resistance. Pretty sure that bitch was the one spouting about how trump wouldn’t allow for peaceful transition of power while she and the libtards have been vandalizing, looting, destroying property, promoting physical violence on those that don’t agree with them. You and the rest of the libtards are clueless fucks. Stick to your ignorance. Trump wasn’t my choice but gladly voted for him over that cancer on freedom. Hopefully, socialist sympathizers and freeloaders like you will be purged from this great land and America will be great again. For now, you can collect your welfare payments and jack off to porn but your day will come soon enough freeloader.

      2. klawicki

        Hopefully you realize that you didn’t make President Trump look bad at all. Lying? Where? HE is the ONE politician that did everything he promised to do.

        Again..know that you are going to die all alone. Just as you live every day of your suicidally lonely life

    2. Sisko

      Hillarys only platform was “vote for me, I am a woman”. Sexist old pigshit she is right? There was a tweet she retweeted before of a nigger bitch saying “i voted for a president who is a nigger like me, now I am voting for a lady who is a bitch like me”… sexist racist female niggger right? Thats what you vote for?

  6. Severin

    I want to fuck her savagely, PornstarsPunishment/BoundGangbangs style with FaceFucking (FacialAbuse) style oral. Check out Duke Skywalker’s blog.

  7. Klondike Pete

    Good job, guys. This is truly craptacular. If this isn’t the worst thing you’ve ever posted, it’s certainly a tie.

  8. Michael

    Clearly a publicity stunt from her sponsors to gain more fresh viewers especially male fans for Katy Perry.
    Katy is getting old… and losing more of her fans yearly; eventually this leads to a career deadend.
    Known to be cocktease before she was famous, still a cockstease today.

  9. Michael

    A Katy P deception headline. Clearly a publicity stunt from her sponsors to gain more fresh viewers especially male fans for Katy Perry.
    Katy is getting old and losing more of her fans yearly hence a loss of income.
    Known to be cocktease before she was famous, still a cockstease today.

  10. Mike

    Jeezz.. Is she in a contest to see how ugly she can make herself look. She use to look so nice, and now she looks like a fucked up transsexual, or something.

  11. CK

    Gimme a fucking break here! Placing stars over where her nipples should be? Fucking ridiculous! Until we can actually see the goodies, I don’t give a fuck about this shit!

  12. Zippo is a snowflake

    Aww zippo is just a triggered little sjw. Funny how Comeys testimony proved your “he’s a liar” conspiracy wrong and vindicated everything Trump has said.

  13. HiLo

    you can see in one of the photos with the niggers that the star is on her arm and her outfit isnt see through.

  14. Doug

    The last pic is Katy being all “Do you think a plebian such as yourself believes it is even anywhere fit to be in KT’s presence?”

  15. Zippo

    …she gets a whole bunch of grapes to cover that clit…my clit can be covered with one…pay no mind to Andreas der Große cuck…he likes to puff his little pecker…can’t expect much from a premature ejaculator….

  16. fuckyouasshole

    Fuck th e lame ass fucking nigger loving trump fucking asshole who put the sensors on this. What a waste of skin.


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