Katy Perry Sexy (135 Photos)

Here are old sexy photos of Katy Perry by Rankin for Elle Canada (2010) + outtakes. Katy Perry is an American singer and songwriter, actress (Raising Hope). Age – 32 (October 25, 1984).


14 thoughts on “Katy Perry Sexy (135 Photos)

  1. Turlough

    Every time I’ve ever seen her interviewed, I’ve always thought she was incredibly irritating, but there’s no denying she’s one of the fittest women on earth. Her body’s amazing. A shame she’s never had a sex tape released.

  2. jim mcjim

    Dammit, there’s gotta be outtakes out there. Somebody get those, STAT!

    Those warlocks are on my bucket list.

  3. dailyfapperdotcum

    Why can’t she post nudes or sextapes like every other celebrity,I know she want to and will sooner or later.

  4. nacho

    Something must be seriously wrong with the actual nipples or else she would show them. My guess is they are lopsided/asymmetrical.

  5. Dev

    Such a pity that she married Russell Brand. It now means her snatch is polluted. She at least has herpes. He has gone on record saying he has hero so she at least has that.


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