Gozer the Gozerian… good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Tina Fey and every other middle aged female celeb who has been with us for ages but never opted to disgrace their image by getting a fucking pixie haircut. Thanks for staying awesome.
As for Emma Watson, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and every other moron with shitty judgment: Be advised that there are other, much less destructive ways to turn yourself unattractive, without destroying your hair for a year or two. You could for example smear your entire body with a mix of diarrhea, curdled milk and greenish brown sinusitis snot. Guaranteed to be almost as repulsive as a pixie haircut, with the crucial difference that it washes off in the shower.
Monty Python, adhere to these wise words: here comes another one. Here it cones again. Here comes another one. When will it ever end?
Of course, I am talking about my boners given to me by this woman. And despite her dyke haircut, I am quite proud of my hardons. So please stand back, we have lift off…
Id fuck her why not
She stopped being sexy the moment she cut her hair
That dude has big tits!
Thats Jared Leto, not Katy Perry.
Theres nothign sexy about this dumpster fire
Absolutely not sexy
When did Bieber get tits?
Why is KP standing at the edge of a bridge/building? Some kind of allusion?
illiusion you mean.. and yeah it looks like shes lying down and theres a river in the background.
Also I agree with the other guy…whats sexy about these pics
I would do anything to get back the black haired slightly chubby normal looking hottie with big tits back. 🙁
Gross, see kids this is what being a liberal feminist does to you!
I really miss the slightly chubby normal looking girl with big tits.
“Is math related to science” ?
“sexy” hahhahaha!
The hair alone deducts 2 points from the 10point attractiveness scale. She used to be a 7 and now she is a 5.
Gozer the Gozerian… good evening. As a duly designated representative of the City, County and State of New York, I order you to cease any and all supernatural activity and return forthwith to your place of origin or to the nearest convenient parallel dimension.
Are you a God??
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Tina Fey and every other middle aged female celeb who has been with us for ages but never opted to disgrace their image by getting a fucking pixie haircut. Thanks for staying awesome.
As for Emma Watson, Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and every other moron with shitty judgment: Be advised that there are other, much less destructive ways to turn yourself unattractive, without destroying your hair for a year or two. You could for example smear your entire body with a mix of diarrhea, curdled milk and greenish brown sinusitis snot. Guaranteed to be almost as repulsive as a pixie haircut, with the crucial difference that it washes off in the shower.
I had never noticed that she had a wonky eye before.
Jared Leto Sexy*
It is amazing how a bad hair cut can make you notice all kinds of bad looking things with her now.
Dear Katy Perry, please show me your tits. I really want to wank over them and your face, covering you in spunk.
Instead of shaving her head for attention she would be better off doing a professional nude photo for attention.
Is that Macaulay Culkin?
Bitch looks like Kevin Love
that’ll do pig, that’ll do
Monty Python, adhere to these wise words: here comes another one. Here it cones again. Here comes another one. When will it ever end?
Of course, I am talking about my boners given to me by this woman. And despite her dyke haircut, I am quite proud of my hardons. So please stand back, we have lift off…
You seem to have a lot of self induced lift-off spunkmaster. Problem is the only one covered in your spunk is yourself.