Keilih Stafford is a 24-year-old model, blogger, and a former wedding planner from Canada. The girl regularly publishes new sexy photos on Instagram, loves traveling and sunbathe. Victoria cooperates with advertising brands and often engaged in fitness.
New users follow to the model every day, because Keilih has a beautiful, fit figure and a charming smile. Over 108 thousand people are signed to her.
Worthless trash. Too much fakeup and probably a personality to match. Good for one thing only and it’s probably loose.
Any guy who greases his hair back like that is a douche nozzle.
One of the weakest shitty posts ever by the Terdhead. Get this weak shit, bony ass out of here. Sexy my ass.
Stupid barby
I liked you better when you were strike gently.
Another cheeseburger kinda girl as in give her a couple to eat …