Kelly Brook pleased men with two UHQ sexy photos from 2019 erotic calendar. The 38-year-old actress/model has a big army of fans who every year look forward to the release of the hot pictures. Are you ready to decorate your apartment, garage, office with this calendar?

Fucking juggs
They’d be an A cup if she was not a heaving she beast.
Still upset because your whore mommy took dick in any hole, even while she was about to pop you out? I’m sure those dicks going in and banging into your soft head is what caused your brain damage.
You’d be heterosexual if you didn’t take it up the ass so often.
Derp and uninformed comment…
Just needs to get naked once more. What a massive set.
Land whale mudshark.
Holy fuck. She has the best baby-making body I think I’ve ever seen. I would love to impregnate her.
Well said.
She got fat
Fat is not sexy. Mudsharks are disgusting.
Sorry Kelly, you expired at least 7 years ago.
Fat bitch, lose some weight!
For those here thinking she is fat, please just go fuck yourselves. Fat is Oprah Winfrey, Rebel Wilson, Roseanne Barr, Kirsty Alley and so on. These are all fat women who are hideously unattractive and are in need of a serious shitload of liposuction just to make them reasonably human looking. Kelly Brook has a very lovely, healthy womanly physique whom I very dearly hope to make her acquaintance with my fiery magic wand and also get to creampie bucket-loads into her so as to make her feel truly wanted. So stand back please, we have lift off…
All natural and real, i guess you basement dwellers have still got your mothers milk around your mouths to notice a real woman
Yeah she’ s a real FAT woman. Used to be hot about 6 years ago before she began her quest to eat every scone on the planet.
Smoking Hot…………Minus 30lbs lol!!