16 thoughts on “Kendall Jenner Sexy & Topless (12 Photos)

    1. L

      Indeed! Natural tits and bodies are always so much nice, don’t matter how they look.
      Fake tits/bodies of all types are more on the turn off side than turn on. Natural always win!

  1. TsuraniEmpire

    I’d tongue fuck her chocolate starfish AND suck a fart out of her peehole. Honestly she’s by far the most gorgeous of the 5 of them, most natural and from interviews most down to earth. Really would do some naughty things to bury my face in her Armenian pubis.

    Kylie could die in a fire if she wasn’t half plastic, and Kim is just disproportionate. I bet Kanye has to whip out the strap on to get past that ass. I’d rather lick a homeless man’s asshole then try to navigate my way through that sea of silicon, that cellulite that’s been nurtured by spunk.

    1. Humpback Herman

      You dumb dipshit, this scrawny beanpole is zero percent Armenian and her bony cavern of love would leave scars on your dick. Her face is pretty enough but her body is barely above average.

  2. Rutger

    Well she’s definitely the prettiest of the family. Certainly more natural than Kylie and Kim with their plastic bodies.

  3. JohnnyFuckFace1017

    Kourtney is the most down-to-earth of the family, though Kendall does seem measured and possibly reasonable. However, her personality is not having one, which is lame. Kylie is way too timid and appears to have very little brainpower. Khloe clearly isn’t dumb, but she’s mannish in her affect and a little too overconfident physically and mentally, though I will say she’s much hotter today than she was years ago. I do appreciate her sense of humor though, she’s certainly the funniest of the lot. Kris is the OG gold-digger, clearly taking Kim under her wing in early childhood while also helping her redefine what it means to be a narcissist.

    Now who I’d really like to see naked is Caitlyn – I can’t imagine anything hotter than the potential vestiges of Olympian cock. It remains to be seen if she can still cum as hard as she used to – reformed bits can have quite the mystique…

  4. Camp's Sportly

    Agree to that phrase from above yeah she’s down to earth and that’s a blessing. Also her sisters they kind too and down to earth being themselves also usually when haters say they’re not pay attention to much when it comes to them paparazzi interviewers it’s not because they would not want to talk to them but actually missing several sleep hours cause of that constantly business moves like the reality show, promo’s coming perfume line and also shoe’s line might be the real cause. Everybody need the vacation days 🙂

  5. Spankmaster

    Oh dear, another plastic not-fantastic member of the whore of Babylon family exploiting herself to a pointless extent of it supposedly being oh so glamorous, outrageous, sensational and exciting…and coming off at best like half-baked fucking horseshit. Please die immediately so we will get some cheap thrill in pissing on your grave.

    And I like traffic lights…

  6. Yes

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