Kendall Jenner Underboob (1 Photo)

Here is a new sexy selfie photo of American model and actress Kendall Jenner from Instagram, 07/16/2017.


6 thoughts on “Kendall Jenner Underboob (1 Photo)

  1. The Mad King

    Oh, look! Another useless nigger loving whore just like the rest of her plastic filled nigger loving worthless family. Nobody gives a fuck about the talentless plastic filled Jenners and Kardashians. One family doesn’t know which gender they want to be and the other family is too busy making sex tapes with niggers, having plastic surgery left and right, and then trying to make everyone think that all the working out and exercising that you’re doing is how you have that unproportional wack ass body. Pathetic fucks. Can’t believe these degenerates are “popular celebrities” and are actually thought of being “role models”! This world is fucked.

    1. RAID for Internet Roaches

      You done with your useless internet rant, little Billy? You going to jerk your tiny cock then cry yourself to sleep? Hilarious. Yeah, they’re hot, rich and fucking black guys. Should they wait around for pathetic internet twerps like you to sweep them off their feet? You’d have to leave mommy’s basement to do that. If cowardly twerps like you didn’t spend your days being roaches on the internet, perhaps you would be getting laid instead of spanking your monkey tonight lol.

    2. peter dobson

      Did you have a bad childhood with rape stories? Because i have never seen such hate rage against afro-american citizens.
      Go and wash your mouth young man.

  2. Doug

    Mad King
    Im guessing the reason the K-mafia is so popular is because of fanatics like you that cant stop obsessing over them


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