Kerry Washington Sexy (7 Photos)

These sexy photos of Kerry Washington from Allure US (November 2017) by Sharif Hamza will never let you stay neutral. Her dark-violet and playfully opened dress will make you feel good. These wide-opened legs will let you feel satisfied. Kerry Washington is a 41-year-old American actress and activist. She’s best known for her roles in the films “Fantastic Four,” “Django Unchained,” as well as for the role of Olivia Pope in the political television series of ABC channel “Scandal.”


6 thoughts on “Kerry Washington Sexy (7 Photos)

  1. Farwence Lishburne

    Dammit could you give us some warning before you post a black girls face so large? Like NSFW for all things black would be great, thx.

  2. Jay~D

    Gorgeous woman great pictures see some haters of above no surprise picture of a non white woman so got too be some hate. She on here because she’s famous actress who been doing Great dramatic performances for years wake up people.


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