Khloé Kardashian Ass (20 Photos)

Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson are seen in Cabo San Lucas, 03/09/2016. Super butt! Khloé Kardashian is an American television personality. Age: 32 (June 27, 1984).


Khloe Kardashian Ass 1

Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 1 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 2 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 3 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 4 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 5 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 6 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 7 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 8 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 9 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 10 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 11 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 12 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 13 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 14 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 15 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 16 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 17 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 18 Khloe Kardashian Ass Pics 19

25 thoughts on “Khloé Kardashian Ass (20 Photos)

  1. Lmao

    She looks just horrible. .she needs to stop trying to look like a Simpson and just accept the fact her daddies black…fake ass family the whole crew of them.

  2. Yep

    Am I the only person that thinks Robert Kardashian and Kris Jenner were part of a bull-worship LA sex ring and they got each of their daughters involved while they were minors which would explain why Kim married a black man at 19 and pornstar Julian Jox claims to have fucked her that same year? And what we see now with each daughter dating strings of black men (Kortney rebelled once she was an adult) and then Bruce (who Kris probably met within ‘the lifestyle’ when it was time to remarry) himself turning into a woman so he could get fucked by black men the same way he spent a great deal of time watching each of his daughters get plowed?

    It would explain why the male Rob is such an outcast. It explains why the family was ok with and even orchestrated Kylie and Tyga. It explains why Kim was comfortable making sex tapes that she could screen with her mom to approve for release.

    Every single thing this family does, this discoloured and distended painful-looking ass on Khloe, to me, is a clear sign of the Kardasiahans being a whole family bound together by their twisted sex cult.

  3. No more fatties

    Just what e don’t need, another fat assed attention whore. Man don’t these pigs own mirrors. Sorry fatty, you don’t look good.

  4. Wonky Donkey

    I was walking down the road and I saw a donkey…….She only had one eye and three legs, so I called her Wonky donkey.

  5. Aaron

    if all you haters dont like these people stop coming by looking and commenting go look at other models or actresses fucking morons

  6. pboi

    u guys r just HATERS…I personally am NOT a big fan of the Kards, though I think Kourtney and Kendal looks good, but u guys calling her ‘fat’, WTF…what do u want skin and bones? and just a reality check…look in the mirror b4 u crit others. I don’t think any of the Kards r fat…but they do have a bigger than average ass and Kim having the biggest ASS of all, name Kanye. JLo’s ass is as big as I’d prefer, anything bigger than JLo’s is too big…but there’s a lot of people that likes that…to each their own and if u don’t like it…don’t visit the page

    1. AJ

      PBOI is a gay fucking asshole. Go fuck yourself dickhead. “There’s a lot of people….”???? While you’re at it, go back to primary school and learn some English in stead of airing your ass on this site chatting shit.

    2. Roy Rogers Mcfreely

      I don’t disagree with anything you said but you have to raise your level of grammar and spelling and it would help your point a lot more.

  7. Andreas

    I agree, I’m not a fan of the K’s but that’s no reason to start calling them names and as mentioned if you dont like them either skip over it or shut your fucking eyes………or just stick pencils in them….

  8. Paul

    Khloe is the best looking of all the kardashians and she is gorgeous! Trolls looking to provoke can keep moving. Id have her on my arm or face any day of the week!

  9. JollyD

    I am an ass man. But the Kardashian asses are a horrible, disgusting curse upon mankind! NONE OF THEM has an ass that looks good! They all look like oranges on toothpicks. Fucking disgusting creatures. UUUGGGGGLLLLLYYYY!


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