Khloe Kardashian Sexy (11 Photos)

New sexy photos of Khloé Kardashian braless at “Live! with Kelly and Michael” in NYC, 01/16/2016. Hard nipples, big ass! Nice! Khloé Kardashian is an American television personality. Age: 31 (June 27, 1984).



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22 thoughts on “Khloe Kardashian Sexy (11 Photos)

  1. Anon Y Mous

    I barely recognize her face. How many hours of makeup application was performed and/or how much plastic surgery was done to get her face to look so different?

  2. Bob Smith

    Y’all can talk all the bullshit you want. Anyone of you guys would hit that, given the chance. Sure, I dislike what that family is all about, but you can’t deny that these chicks are sexy as hell. If you do, well then you’re just being dumb.

    1. Capt. Obvious

      Yeah… No. Wouldn’t touch her with a ten foot pole, but you go right ahead thinking you know what every other guy out there would do.

  3. joe

    Khloe Kardashian and sexy are two words that should never be put together. She may have lost some weight but she is still ugly as fuck.

  4. Dieter

    In my opinion, men who would not hit that have a small dick ! Of course, you need some size and experience to do such a fleshy ass and poon from behind !!!

  5. pboi

    i’m not a fan of the ‘K’s…but, kim when she was younger looked good, Kourtney is prob the best looking out of the older 3 sis, and Khloe…she USED to be the least attractive on, but she worked hard on getting in shape and this past wk she’s been hitting the talk shows, she looked good. as for them being ‘stupid’…yes, they do and say stupid things, but they know how to make money…c’mon…kim puts out an app and makes 70 mil???!!! how many people can say that? oh, and the 2 youngest, right before they made it big in the modeling world, they looked good, now they fluctuate dep on how they dress and their makeup

    1. jack

      Why are you so angry you fuckin’retarded moron??? We all know that you’ve been abused by your Dad and uncles but that doesn’t mean you have to behave like that!!!

  6. duder

    khloe isn’t even really big. it’s just that kourtny is short and kim is shaped like a dwarf from lord of the rings. her ass an tits make up 90% of her body lol. and khloe’s face is alright. good enough to marry, smash from the back until she gets pregnant, and then take half her money. federline style lol


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