Reality TV star, model, actress Kim Kardashian, 37, added some nude photos by Vanessa Beecroft for KKW BODY 4.30 – Instagram, 04/24/2018. She covered her best parts (boobs, shaved pussy).
Reality TV star, model, actress Kim Kardashian, 37, added some nude photos by Vanessa Beecroft for KKW BODY 4.30 – Instagram, 04/24/2018. She covered her best parts (boobs, shaved pussy).
Ratings tanking. Boutiques closed. Half a hooch photo. A leaked Kanye video can’t be far behind …
I don’t think so anyway a lot of these peers on this website only talk seeking for attention but don’t expect such things from a personality as she is humble and she has better things to do than a tape and peace and sunny days.
Your name changes, but you keep posting the same ass sucking comments. Kindly fuck off.
Don’t be such a ignorant ass, don’t act like you don’t wanna accept that being polite is a damn good thing especially when you address to a lady nowadays.
And my name never change so don’t make such affirmations when obviously you don’t know anything about other people. I say peace and hopefully you gonna realize this okay.
Okay Shazbot … that person shared his / her thoughts which sounded educated and nice so it makes sense and I can relate on his / her words… wonder when you and also other tiny boys of this website posts almost daily a lot of bullshit which doesn’t make any sense at all it means we might come up to say what you said guys it’s wrong but no we don’t do this …
Now I wonder how could you contest such a realistic point of view about misogyny of teenagers nowadays…when obviously that person tried to show you guys what’s good to improve your attitudes and to make a better future to nowadays.
Hello kim, you ugly worthless whore.
Please go and kill yourself, thank you.
Hello Mister seeking attention we know minors could talk so much nonsense main cause could be their jealousy about others but whatever any worthless try spread lies and negative things but the truth is people see she’s a hard worker, smart and humble woman. That’s what even you critics know but won’t recognize to say louder but once you gonna learn to show a little bit of appreciation & love to a public person your that you would realize how beautiful and positive energy you will gain. Hopefully critics would achieve that serenity honestly peace and good days.
English is not your first language, is it?
the fact that you take the time out of your day to write this shit. The doctor was right…your mom should have had an abortion.
Mr Wiggles,
You and as others teenagers have enough courage to say a lot of nonsense things but definitely that’s what teenagers do from behind there monitor only, so I don’t criticize you for this and I’m pretty sure every grown or even smart teenager understood what I said was just a so true and real statement. The misogyny that you and other kids addresses to girls on this website it’s not normally boy… even if you won’t recognize it louder or not writing or talking I know that in your minds you know I’m definitely right about what I said. When you say rude things about others moms I wonder have you ever realize that a Mom and a Woman they’re sacred on this world. So you obviously showed your lack of life’s experience to ever say such things about other people that you don’t know anything and believe it or not Karma’s gonna show you that you were wrong in any way or other someday but don’t worry I forgive your rude and childish try seeking for attention cause that’s what you and others do nowadays, lol boy, dare you wise mind and good days.
“she has better things to do than a tape”
You do realize she already has a leaked sex tape out, don’t you?
It’s a pretty safe bet that it’s still on the cards for when she has lost all relevancy.
Don’t try to teach me nothing boy, it’s clear? That tape was really old and who are you to judge a woman by this? Damn it. And don’t coming and trolling all the way like dare bad things to other people it could turn around and show you how wrong you were to say such things. And for you curiosity she would never lost that ” relevancy ” just because there’s somebody above which knows better than you and us that she’s a good humble lady okay.
The cheapest piece of trash imaginable, but she does have PERFECT tits.
I have big issues with these types of people that are dominating the internet and I dont understand why because they are simply a bad influence to youth and they objectify themselves, yet complain afterwards.
But there’s a mixed feeling cause some of these talentless social media ‘prostitutes’ are hot as fuck
Guilty pleasure? maybe
Did Kim or her friends ever hurt you, meaning words to you or something rude to you? I’m pretty sure they never did such things and they would never ever think to hurt somebody in this world. She’s not a bad influence at all as long as she’s sticking on her business not criticizing or blame other people as you and other ” Social media wolves ” trying to spread many lies about public people and to compromise their dignity. Believe it or not dear man we all have self dignity though sometimes it’s hard to let our conscience to rise although the worst thing is that teenagers nowadays they weird preoccupied to label so wrong others instead of reflecting on their own lives. And just let me clear something she’s far from being what you said ” talentless ” or ” prostitute ” and everything she achieved was because of her hard work and fer family support. Also there many public people which get label wrong because of the gossip and media today but what you don’t know guys is that when you see they travel, they buy expensive things as e.g. is honestly because of work, struggle and their perseverance and usually they know to appreciate it more than what some critics ever would appreciate this and also as such an impressive things they also humble people. Now before point with your finger somebody think about yours thinking about phrase ” What would you do if you been in my shoes ” . Showing appreciation and love would just make you guys realizing someday that’s all the way to a good road trip if you know what does it means. Anyway, wish you the best and good days.
Keep thinking that dude, she’s a talentless hag that only got fame due to people giving her whatever she wanted because just like all the other social media prostitutes, used her body to get it, you are blind if you believe this hag is more than that
But you keep dreaming
Oh, how ignorant you been not even paying attention on what I said, it’s obviously you haven’t realized yet that you just make the same game of other stupid teenagers which just trolling and show their nonsense hate about other people lives that they don’t know anything about. I don’t know who is more blind actually me a grown man with a family which never ever wrote a negative comment because if you were wise enough you would knew before that if you don’t have to say a positive thing then it’s a waste to ever type your comment dear boy… And believe it or not, I know a couple of people which worked there and the big surprise which you, other children and the poor gossip game and paparazzi don’t really know is how humble sweet and polite could be a girl as Kim’s level even with all the money THAT SHE WORKED FOR WHAT SHE ACHIEVED, how trolling to be to say that she got fame and money because of the social media?! REALLY? And that’s another proof that you as many others don’t nothing about her or her friends lives and that if you wanna to achieve something you got to grind my dude… But browsing such a website of course it’s gonna to increase other teenagers jealousy making some of you guys then starting to criticize them people because they actually achieved something damn it… Honestly I dare you the best and all the money you dream to and then I wonder how would you gonna feeling when other people gonna say same rubbish things you said about personalities. And to resume all this to one phrase ” What would you do if you been in my shoes ” it’s true that’s why many of you guys only wasting the time criticizing then to mind at your own business. Anyway, at one moment everybody of this website you all guys gonna realize this peace dare you sunny days.
And obviously you haven’t realized yet that you just make the same game of other stupid teenagers which just trolling and show their nonsense hate about other people lives that they don’t know anything about. I don’t know who is more blind actually me a grown man with a family which never ever wrote a negative comment because if you were wise enough you would knew before that if you don’t have to say a positive thing then it’s a waste to ever type your comment dear boy… And believe it or not, I know a couple of people which worked there and the big surprise which you, other children and the poor gossip game and paparazzi don’t really know is how humble sweet and polite could be a girl as Kim’s level even with all the money THAT SHE WORKED FOR WHAT SHE ACHIEVED, how trolling to be to say that she got fame and money because of the social media?! REALLY? And that’s another proof that you as many others don’t nothing about her or her friends lives and that if you wanna to achieve something you got to grind my dude… But browsing such a website of course it’s gonna to increase other teenagers jealousy making some of you guys then starting to criticize them people because they actually achieved something damn it… Honestly I dare you the best and all the money you dream to and then I wonder how would you gonna feeling when other people gonna say same rubbish things you said about personalities. And to resume all this to one phrase ” What would you do if you been in my shoes ” it’s true that’s why many of you guys only wasting the time criticizing then to mind at your own business. Anyway, at one moment everybody of this website you all guys gonna realize this peace dare you sunny days.
I believe that Just Me’s comments were along the lines of being dismayed with KK as an element of the brain-deadening, standards-lowering “content” being fed people, particularly those young and impressionable. KK is, in fact, untalented self-objectifying prostitute – but, as the saying goes, “She’s nice to look at.” But that’s where They get ya.
And I believe it’s you own poor opinion the cause being many factors may from your childhood and I’m sorry honestly because of this, but obviously can’t you realize that a woman gave you birth child? Who do you think gives you the right to label such wrong a hard worker woman, good mother and sweetheart person? So…
In fact what you said ” untalented self-objectifying prostitute ” is what any frustrated younger would say because of jealousy or as I said above causes from the childhood.
And also are you the advocate of that ” Just Me” cause obviously nobody invited you on that conversation my dude, don’t get me wrong, it’s sadly when you guys think have the right to label a WOMAN first of all and a good person as you making such insubstantial affirmations based on nothing than what the poor gossip game’s do … When the truth is you alongside others which only comment to give a negative opinion that doesn’t make any sense if because you don’t have other job or better activities good for your lives than think at other people lives… And that’s came from an human as age as your daddy… Dare you the best and to achieve what it is to be humble one day.
supper hot
Imagine the gallons of various jizm types spilled on that chest and birf pouch
I see no reason to think or to write this fancy obviously there would be only one person on this world and that’s her husband and she loves her husband too peace .
I mean it sounded as a fancy so if there would ever be a fancy that would going on just between Kim and her husband she’s a married woman and a mother too. That’s what’s up my man. Okay, Sunny spoken now dare you good days.
Fuck off you dumb fucking dipshit. Peace moron.
Okay besides the racism comment which is not something normally nowadays, what’s disgusting a baby and a photo session really? I see no reason but we all have different point of view.
I had sooooo much reactions on my last remarks about Kim K. that i “have to say something nice” according to my wife.
Ok, i like the fact that Kims pussy is shaved because my wife’s pussy is shaved. So there you have it. Next time a more critical comment from me on this [email protected]#$ nice lady. Yeah my wife stands behind me watching what i write here.
Only babies need mommies
Awwwww look at the pathetic talentless cunt trying to stay relevant but the only way her empty brain can think of is to get her tits out because that’s all she knows how to do. god she’s such a worthless piece of shit.
Worthless shit ever is to criticize a woman as somebody said above,
Now almost I understand this. Also showing off you’re stunning body is not being a slut, it’s called confidence. she’s not naked you gotta child out kids. And many girls like photo session that’s nothing wrong and in this case be sure she can do much more as she’s handling own business alongside many charitable events . SO … it’s actually more decent what she does and other girls do than what you guys do like browsing this childish web daily… So ssssh. be humble!
used to hate the kardashians but after bombarded by 2-bit camwhores daily, she looks like a queen now
nigger fucker should be introduced to david allan coe
Hey, Kim – I know you’re all serious about skin care. Did you know that common gasoline is terrific for tightening, toning, and moisturizing your skin? Just pour some all over your body and rub it in (don’t mind the smell!) Then relax in a room with some scented candles and let nature take its course.
Aren’t we all tired of seeing this has been. Why is this family famous? A waste of space.
Aren’t we all tired of kids who doesn’t have any better job than spread such nonsense childish opinions about public people because of a jealousy nowadays.
Fat ass with zero talent, perfect internet celebrity
I know what you tried child you thought you would make me cuss because of your stupid jealousy on what I said it’s true and you can’t accept that educated and polite about a baby but no lil boy I’m not gonna cuss and cuss for you childish nonsense reply and your negative energy it’s not tolerated. When you would grow you definitely understand that what I said it’s just true and good to showing your appreciation and love that way to a person.
Another one who’s giving opinions based on nothing, Internet Celebrity? No dear young man, for your knowledge cause it’s obvious you dont’t know anything about her or other personalities she’s not an Internet Celebrity that’s what every girl do sometimes because of a hobby what you don’t know about her is that what you see is done because of her work for years… And what you don’t know is that she’s a humble and good person too.
The comment above wasn’t to you my man was actually to other guy but seems here the replay filters doesn’t work anyway.
The things that I would love to do to this beautiful woman….
The things that doesn’t make any sense to your lives lil generation you can’t understand she’s a married woman she has a husband and it’s just a pure waste of time writing here such things?, Don’t get mad but try to make you understand this teenagers.
you can’t teach stupid dude
Oh the wise ones said ” If you trying to show other wrong citizens the right way you have all the right to bring them on road to the sunny day ”
So I have all the rights knowing what I said was positive in hope to open the deviated and wrong vision of some teenagers who think they have the right to say a lot of rubbish daily here about other women. So everything I said makes sense while you? Oh, guess you need some education first before to ever to type your reply, its clear as water, okay.
Honestly Steve just expressed his opinions which they make sense and as long as he’s doing this as an educated man, BIG UP to Steve.
And who do you think gives you the right to blame a man who tried to teach you generation of nowadays to be polite when you address to a baby…
Society likes to build people up and then pull them down. Princess Diana. They loved her on the way up. They adored pulling her down. Same will happen for the whole Kardashian clan. Soon enough society will flip a switch. It happens. One day they will be loved and then next day it will just flip. Looking forward to that day because I hate this cancer of a woman. Never pleasured myself to her pics but I may pleasure myself to her downfall.
And obviously when you dare bad things to a person that you barely hear and you don’t realize she’s a good mom and humble woman too be carefully all that negative energy it’s not gonna give you back nothing good boy. I wonder if you really wanna write a comment instead of say such wrong things why you and others can’t understand yet if you wanna write a comment than write only if you have something smart positive and good. Otherwise you and other browsers of this web should go to a psychiatrist to be honest to you dude. And honestly whatever hatefully and negative things you would say because of jealousy or because you don’t know how to spend your time into a relevant way all the negative things you say would drip away just because above us there is Definitely Somebody Who Loves Kim And Her Sisters and every good human like her. It’s just on you humanity to take a move to the right way and I dare you to see the light and serenity.
The mirrors in her house are sponsored by photoshop, your’re fat Kim and the camera doesn’t lie.
i like dick
Whatever what you say kids as showing jealousy despise the insults, criticize and these nonsense things you do here daily. That’s what you don’t know teenagers you just fool yourselves with gossip and lies that you hear by web… Bu the truth is the outside society and people from her town know that she’s such a sweetheart girl and always stand up to show her support to so many charitable things and we love and appreciate this.
I know what you tried child you thought you would make me cuss because of your stupid jealousy on what I said it’s true and you can’t accept that educated and polite about a baby but no lil boy I’m not gonna cuss and cuss for you childish nonsense reply and your negative energy it’s not tolerated. When you would grow you definitely understand that what I said it’s just true and good to showing your appreciation and love that way to a person dare you to understand this and don’t be such childish to criticize a personality and good mother okay dude. Dare you good days.
Whatever what you say kids as showing jealousy despise the insults, criticize and these nonsense things you do here daily. That’s what you don’t know teenagers you just fool yourselves with gossip and lies that you hear by web… Bu the truth is the outside society and people from her town know that she’s such a sweetheart girl and always stand up to show her support to so many charitable things and we love and appreciate this.
You guys are homos. Shut up and enjoy the pics or gtfo.
And you Mr Smartness, have you ever write a positive or at least logical comment? Not only writing in absence of a better occupation my boy, a few comments here maybe they old people which show their appreciation trying show what’s the right way to that generation of nowadays.
Whatever anybody would say she’s a baby.
I’ve seen more realistic uses of Photoshop on furry porn sites.
Body built by DuPont
Am I the only one that thinks the stretch marks on her pussy are sexy, lol?
She looks amazing. You guys arguing and talking crap really are a bunch of legitimate fuck-ups. Beggars can’t be choosers I’ve said before and the desperation from you guys is real. She’d not look at you lot for a single solitary second and I wonder why? Oh yes because she is out of your leagues of course. Wake up. You all really have shit for brains I’m certain of it.
No wonder Kanye likes Trump. They’re both known for banging whores.
And another hatefully affirmation which doesn’t make any sense based on jealousy… First … Kim is humble and good baby with perseverance to give her support to others like such charitable congress she attempted stand up for humanity and being humble the way she is always. Second, Melanie is a good person too, now what do you think you gonna achieve to spread such affirmations as trolls do. Hopefully you guys would try at least to show a piece of what’s meaning humble especially for a good example to nowadays.
kill this fat plastic nigga with fire please
What a rude and wrong way to ever think to address such comments… If you don’t like her then just don’t write about a girl it’s logic okay.
Fecal Terror
English is my native language, otherwise you just a teenager which doesn’t live in United States which may be the main cause of your lack of knowledge in understanding that we right there on US have so many dialects it depends the neighborhood where you from. Now browsing the internet I can write however I want and nobody has no right to say a damn thing about it boy.
So don’t try to find reasons to contradict me when obviously everything I said was true and right straight to the point that you teenagers might learn first stop spreading rubbish based on a nonsense jealousy when the reality is that she’s a humble a good woman, even if you guys accept it or not. And to clear your biggest CURIOSITY I’m a teacher that has a knowledge of life, while you as others teenagers don’t know that she’s a true good and humble person which always stand up for charitable events showing her support always for people which have needs. But of course you as other children can only spread rubbish about somebody that you don’t have any idea about. That being said dare you a little bit of maturity before you would ever think to expose your opinions about other good people, peace to you and good days.
She’s beautiful that’s for sure…
Whatever anybody would say she has style and she’s a baby.
And she has class she’s a model honestly.
Whatever any would say she’s a baby.
Whoever keeps making all these peace and good sunny days comments, but clearly can’t keep her name straight is obviously suffering from a severe multiple personality disorder and should take a shitload of unrecommended drugs such as a lethal cocktail of pure LSD, ketamine and surgical spirit. That being said, I will repeat the truly immortal words of Pieceofyoass and Shazbot
I do hope that made things easier for you to understand. Oh and to be a reversal of your usual hope and sunny days bullshit, please eat shit and die.
Spankmaster has spoken…
And to really piss you off, you silly bitch, Kim Kardashian is nothing more than the whore of Babylon that was foretold in the bible. And I know this for certain as I am the equivalent of Satan and I am in no way ashamed of this fact, so I’ll be after your soul quite soon and shred the living shit out of it.
Again, Spankmaster has spoken…
Calm down man while your bring all these shitty arguments as you being evil worshiper let me tell you that God is above having the only power to drip away all the evil shitty things you think are cool. Evil things not gonna bring you nothing good and soon or later you gonna realize this but God loves every human and will make you see the light. And what you and others don’t know about Kim you might know she is good Jerusalem religious woman believing in God and being a good person. Whether you like to accept she is a good person or not it’s your choice but that’s the truth.
What you said you gonna shred what ? Haha Oh sweetheart you gonna shred nothing cause there’s somebody above us that know my thoughts are always good. Whether you accept this or not even you know in the corner of your mind that somebody is above us. And it’s not about religions and even if you’re not gonna verbally agree to this in the corner of your mind you know that’s right.
Dear Spanky seems you had a bad day not being into a a good mode when you wrote this I’m sorry literally dare you the best have fun with your comments and sorry if somebody from these conversations bothered you. And by the way allowing you know the truth because I guess we had enough conversations I’m 39 years and I’m a doctor my name is Steve and I know when my wife had some conversations with you on this website months ago. As I said if somethings from these conversations bothered you we sorry, and of course we gonna allow you to type your comments soon as we noticed that’s like a daily habit that belongs to yours to browse this site. We’ve had a lot of fun while we was doing this social experiment conversation because we had kind of vacations for months but now we gotta get back to work. We dare you and others that belongs to this web site good days !!! 😉
Does somebody asked you something? LOL do you realize how ridiculous is to write a damn long comment that nobody’s gonna waste the time to read about some people you don’t know anything about, pure ridiculous.
Another as you pretended you know anything about mental disorders issues as you brought in conversation teenagers with names like Pieceofyoass and Shazbot only others immature children you’ve proven you actually need a psychiatrist control as a matter fact.
Now the Dr from the Bey has spoken the truth.
Whatever these teens could say she is a baby.
You incredibly sad, pathetic, vacuous, fucked up individuals with your anal moonbeams and rainbow bullshit. Please leave those of us to make totally valid, worthwhile condemning comments about this white trash human being and the equally deplorable family that spawned this detritus to our devices and get of your high horse in thinking that your way of life is the only way. We have earns the right to comment here in the way we have without feeling like our thoughts and brains have been given the ultimate cavity search by your pointless exacting standards. Get a grip on life, get realistic and just fuck off out of here.
Spankmaster has spoken yet again…
Does somebody asked you something? Last weeks you only come up with such toxic comments… get some peace man…
Another as you pretended you know anything about mental disorders issues as you brought in conversation teenagers with names like Pieceofyoass and Shazbot only others immature children you’ve proven you actually need a psychiatrist control as a matter fact.
Now the Dr from the Bey has spoken the truth.
And by the way boy don’t act such sadly that Steve was the only realistic man from your conversation Guys…. That Steve spoken wise words. What You Gonna Get While Hate On Kim and her friends?! Do you realize you stop act that such ridiculous … DAMN IT. Think about your business and not others business.
Spankmaster calm down stop being toxic to others.
Steve agree to that some people could be really toxic on such a worthless website.
The Bey Man, I have just as much right to be toxic as all these anal moonbeam and rainbow horseshit spouting fucktards who constantly denigrate our way of factual life in presenting the truth about this whole whore of Babylon family. I am perfectly justified with my thoughts in not needing a psychiatrist, as opposed to those of you here who want to believe in the mythical construct of Jesus and God, talk to yourself by praying and offer not one shred of evidence that these things ever existed. Please don’t use that over-rated press-book called the bible as factual evidence as it is so full of inconsistencies that it should be thrown out of court as being entirely fraudulent and lacking in evidence, despite ironically people needing to be sworn in on it.
That all being said, this incredibly over-rated whore and her whole whore of Babylon family really needs to disappear up their arse and never come back.
Spankmaster has yet again spoken and yes I still like traffic lights…
Of course in the absence of a useful activity, some of you leave all the stupid comments, believing that it is fun to act misoginically, but in fact members of Thefappening represent the ridiculous Mindful of Children based on such corny jealous ass replies.
Now either way you folks hate or love her, Kim K is where she is because she has always been herself and loyal to what she has done. People which personally know her for years can confirm she’s way humble behaving as normal and even sweet person bet this Word for true and honest ones always she’s gonna show love too.
So to Thefappening’s hypocrites community haters, excusez-moi ” Prestigious Masses ” they might remember only that since 00s to nowadays she’s still one of the biggest figure for tabloids of US, whether or not folks hate or love on her.
Thanks for wasting my time with this clickbait called Thefappening, but at the same time Thank God made me to see I’ve got better things to do since I’ve decided to come up with these little humble words before leaving this 10th Hand 10 years Old Journalists which founded Thefappening, so it’s up on your how you wanna spend the time folks know what I mean ? Word peace & goodbye