Kim Kardashian Sexy (30 Photos + Video)

Kim Kardashian (36) steps out for the evening in platinum blonde hair and a form fitting black leather dress during New York Fashion Week, 09/06/2017.


28 thoughts on “Kim Kardashian Sexy (30 Photos + Video)

  1. brazilian boy

    this slut has a big but beautiful ass was built with surgeries and the real Brazilian ass is natural. here in Brazil we do not get false asses. She’s one of the biggest whores in the world !!!!

    1. Your Facts

      what are you talking about man! you have some of the highest numbers of plastic surgeries in the world.. god bless your womens asses and the way they use them, but let’s not kid ourselves

      1. brazilian boy

        hey man, brazil can be leader in plastics in women but all are for silicone in the breasts and not for the increase of buttocks. Brazil is the leading country in women with the most beautiful natural butts without silicone as well. we have our Miss Bum Bum contest and we are proud of our winners because they travel the world showing what our country has for the most beautiful for sure !!!!

          1. brazilian boy

            AJ, you should not love me, you have to love the brazilian women’s ass because they are the best in the world! if you do not know the contest miss bum bum from brazil search the internet for the Suzy Cortez that was one of the winners and you will see why I like the women of my country. is the best contest that ever existed.

    2. JR Salami

      Brazilian Boy what are you talking about? Brazil is known for it’s HUGE fake ass and Super AIDS. And those brazilian that have natural asses they also have super huge thighs that throws of the ass to thigh ratio.

      Kim is a big cum dumpster…trash bag.

      1. brazilian boy

        Jr salami here in Brazil there is a contest of the most beautiful asses called Miss Bum Bum where no fake asses are allowed. in this contest and in our carnival only great natural butts are valued. There are some Brazilian women with fake asses but nobody likes them. (do not talk about my country without knowing our women). And I agree with you Kim is a slut and cum dumpster.

  2. HiLo

    she destroyed her body to make it more appealing to blacks
    no sympathy for this person.

    don’t get me wrong,
    would fuck,
    but with 2 condoms.

  3. Turlough

    I know she’s awful, I know she’s fake, I know she’s a terrible narcissistic, attention-seeking whore, but I’m sorry, there is a reason why she’s become a huge star. She is sexy. She just is. I feel bad saying it, but it’s true. Her bum’s too fat though. I like a big bum on a girl, but there are limits.

  4. Severin

    Britney Spears, Kim Kardashian, and Miley Cyrus are the greatest women of this century. They are the reasons why millennials shamelessly flaunt their sexuality in a way that was unseen in the 90s. Those three + the internet have led to a glorious self-sluttification of girls and young women on a mass scale. That socio-cultural change and some technological advances are the only general bright spots in this awful, fucked up century, especially post 9/11.

  5. John Prime

    It’s PLEATHER! if she rips one imagine the kaos, rumor has it her asshole is the size of a horses waxers will talk.
    Her ass is too big because she has to continually bigger get injections to counteract the skin stretching and the fat being absorbed. If she stops it’ll be a disgusting site for sure, her ass would literally drop to the floor. Only in USA does a amateur porn girlfriend become a fashion event celebrity, social media whore, tv reality oh wait a minute there’s a lot of those.


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