Kim Kardashian West shows off her famous curves in Miami while wearing a thong bikini, 08/17/2018. Just moments after stepping out in Miami, KKW toned things down for a candid photo shoot, when the reality star was seen wearing little more than a neon pink thong swimsuit.

I appreciate her shamelessness
Oh my god!!! These pictures really made my dick get Hard as a rock, I’m definitely going to masturbate to these pictures of that glorious butt,this DIRTY BITCH (in fact she is the mother and mentor of all the prostitutes on the planet) wearing this Brazilian bikini in this gigantic butt (we Brazilians always value big asses and women who Display). See how the bikini disappears when it is swallowed by her butt, I would like to smell this bikini to know what sweet aroma He has!!!!! Look at the poses for the pictures she’s only a DIGUSTING WHORE/SLUT, she know and like that, keep it up Kim we support you!!!!!!.
Oh my fucking lord.
If I had a body like that, I’d wear a fucking burkha.
What is she thinking, showing that off like it’s acceptable?
It’s horrendous.
Comment section on this site is great fun, but just ti be serious for one minute…
Is this really attractive to anyone? I get the top half, but the bottom half??? To my eyes, it’s a joke and absolutely awful. But am I missing something? Have fashions changed and people really do like this now? Am I just too old?
Or is that arse hideous?
Sensational body.
You are just an idiot.
If finding her makes someone an idiot. I have an IQ of minus 90. What an ugly polluted cunt. She is a cancer.
no-one gonna argue that u have an iq of minus 90 dingus
So this turns you on?
Yes it excites me a lot (come on, I’m Brazilian, all the gigantic butts excite me). Proud to be Brazilian!
dont say that ur proud of that…. brazilians are just fuking dumbass monkeys that not even after the portuguese teach them how to talk, and take them down of the trees, they learn NOTHING!!!! The worst is that all the fking world think they talk portuguese….. THEY DONT!!! its not portuguese from brazil, because its not portuguese, is brazilian or gugudada idk, period! proud?…. pffff btw that ass? made my dick go away
Ehhh. If she passed a few medical tests first, I’d probably take a chance or two with her. Shrug.
Yes you are too old. You’re also a faggot. THAT ASS IS GLORIOUS!
Ok. Thanks for your input. Interesting.
I find it encouraging that such an unfortunately-disfigured creature such as she can find fame and fortune in America. It demonstrates that the USA truly is the land of opportunity, where anyone, regardless of even a hideous deformity, can pull themself up by their bootstraps and make it, if they work hard and assiduously enough.
That nasty looking ASS n HIPS are not normal…..ho trying to make it look normal…it’s NOT..
Her UGLY HIDEOUS FRIEND in the GRAY/METALLIC bikini her fake ass LOOKS MUCH…MUCH BETTER…because it’s small…but rounder.
KIM ass looks like a fat 70 year old with a diaper on….
this bitch has a perfect ass
She has made it popular for women and men to think having a scoliosis back is sexy. That’s what it is. You see women replicating her fat ass. It’s going to lead to a generation of women with severe back issues. Still they deserve it for trying to replicate this getting a murderer off lawyers off spring. I suppose his daughters being fucked like blow up dolls by black guys is the universe way of balancing out Robert Kardashians part in getting that murderer OJ off. Innocent men don’t run for the border with cash and a fake passport.
Waah waah waah, just another white boy with a 2 inch penis angry that black guys are banging your whore sisters like no tomorrow, while youre jerking yourself off to sleep. Keep crying while we cum in the asses of your precious snowbunnies. Let your virtual tears out on the internet, pussy.
Hey my friend Jerome Don’t forget the Latinos (as I am) who also loves to screw some pure white girls!!!! White American men get angry at the amount of blacks and Latinos screwing their PAWG’s! Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Brazilian women have always had big butts before the whore Kim, and none have scoliosis, here in Brazil is normal and extremely valued a woman with big butt! This is not the usa, this is BRAZIL!!!! The United States will never be Brazil!
Two sets of her one day? Be still my beating heart.
Lol does she think that gigantic oversized swollen ass looks good? It looks abnormal, does she have to turn sideways to get through doors? i prefer a natural small round ass any day over that mutated swollen gigantic fake ass.
She pays paparazzi photogs to take photos of her then touch them up so there aren’t cellulite showing. That is the pictures you are seeing here.
Just one of the thousands of reasons why natural women are better.
She is getting ass reduction.. natrual is back in style but it never left thank gawd
what the hell is going on with her body? and face for that matter? did she get implants/injections everywhere?? Almost hot…. if she didn’t look so deformed..
In what universe has this wannebee WHALE Kim K. made a contribution to the evolution?? She is big and white and nobody would give a damn if she wouldn’t survive society. She is the Panda bear, Ice bear and the big blue WHALE of this universe. Useless animals with nothing to contribute to our society.
Made a contribution to evolution? What the fuck are you talking about?
This ass is so fake and kinda weird.
But I would definitly fuck her.
I’m kind of consensus.
“Kim Kardashian” and “sexy” don’t belong in the same sentence as one another. I don’t understand this appeal with fat asses. It’s time to put that shit away.
Give me a toned, peach shaped ass over this horrendous hippo ass. Watching that cellulite covered, dimpled mess wiggle in a thong would knock anyone that isn’t a dick rider sick at the sight of it.
I bet those ass cheeks sound like someone clapping when she walks. Hideous.
agreed. I really do not like the super bloated ass look. I prefer slim women, not mega huge butt.
Ugh. She looks like a cartoon character, only not as appealing.
I like big butts I cannot deny Love them her voice is annoying but I don’t have to hear that when looking at her pictures ( thumbs up). If you Don’t like the picture keep scrolling duh
Her figure looks bizarre & unnatural.
Yovanna Ventura? Is that her name? A couple pictures ago. The social media “influencer?” She puts Kim Kardashian to shame. There’s no comparison. You like that BIG ass? I don’t. Who wants that fucking thing.? Yovanna Ventura is 22. She’s prettier than Kim and has a better body. Kim’s body is all out of synch.
It so funny to see you people get so mad kim lol Let it all out
those hips look almost artificial…
The ultimate whore of Babylon and her whole whorish family are again back at the beach tastelessly flaunting the absolute horrendous shame it is to be a Kardashian or Jenner to the extent of making lepers look positively attractive. The motto ‘Here today, shark shit tomorrow’ certainly applies to them…providing we are able to find some sharks who don’t mind feeding on this worthless flesh. Kill them now and let’s celebrate with a nice beach bonfire.
Spankmaster has spoken…
You need professional help.
Who’s her friend?
Larsa Pippen, wife of Scottie Pippen.
Damn some of you like Jeremy are gay as fuck
Crazy family
Crazy family!
Jerome “Horse Dick” Johnson and Brazilian Boy
She ain’t even white dumbasses. She’s half armenian. She’s a half sand nigger hence why she appeals to niggers. Why would we be mad because you screw the trahiest plastic women ? Pieces of trash belong together…
Lot of uglyness here on the page, and I don’t mean the pics.
Good god, what an amazing set!!!!! Thank you so much for posting!
I am totally not into big or HUGE asses, at all really….I get off on flat asses to be honest, but overall to me Kim is the most perfect and beautiful woman I have ever seen. A total Goddess, And besides that she seems to be a real sweetheart and lovely person, makes her even more attractive to me. And even her voice arrouses me to the point of losing my mind.
Dont care what other think of it, I just totally adore this fabulous woman!