Kimberley Garner Topless (13 Photos)

Here are the nude and sexy photos of Kimberley Garner. The 28-year-old stunning blonde was spotted sunbathing topless on vacation in Mykonos, Greece, 06/11/2018. Kimberley Garner is a model, swimwear designer, and TV star (Made in Chelsea).

Who wants uncensored HQ?


17 thoughts on “Kimberley Garner Topless (13 Photos)

  1. Mompracem

    WTF with the Censored pics??? O_o I’ve been waiting for this pictures for months… she is gorgeous!!. Keep em coming, just not with the censored shit…

    1. ballen

      because it is not the released pictures you dunce !
      this is pictures they(paparazzi/graffers) send to magazines who then offer them a price, then they sell the real pics

      “This is what I have[see attachment] and I want $5000 dollar for them”
      understand now or do I need to make it even more simple ?

      1. I hate stupid people like that


        What retard is gonna pay $5000 to see her tits from some shitty pics taken 100 ft away. That’s dumb as fuck. I wouldn’t pay $00.05 to see her tits.

      2. Aaaaaa

        these are the pics used by the papers…. I bet she knew they were being taken. I’m sure she had some deal that they could take them as long as they don’t release the uncensored versions… I bet the uncensored ones never get released.

  2. Toby LeRone

    I really used to love this site but now it’s full of random webcam models that are full of implants and make up. Then we get good pics like this that are censored??? I think the site is doing an amazing job and putting off people from visiting. Shame to see a once great page fall in to general obscurity

  3. nah

    Thanks for website with content like this for motivate me using adblocker without guilt. You totally deserve it.


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