Reality star Kourtney Kardashian and friend Amanda Lee have some girls’ time in a majestic villa in Los Cabos, 08/23/2018. Kourtney showed off her super butt wearing a sexy tiny bikini.

Reality star Kourtney Kardashian and friend Amanda Lee have some girls’ time in a majestic villa in Los Cabos, 08/23/2018. Kourtney showed off her super butt wearing a sexy tiny bikini.
I’d like to lick her asshole
u know shit comes out of those, rite
Mite as well lick Dennis Rodman’s azz
I would lick her ass. Definitely not Dennis Rodman’s. Not into Man ass. Not sure how you jumped from female ass to Dennis Rodman but to each his own I guess. I’ve licked my wife’s ass after the shower. She loves it.
Dave, You failed concept comprehension in school didn’t you?
Im right there with you Brutus
Looks like she got CRABS the way she keeps messing with her suit.
BY FAR the hottest of the clan. Why can’t she be the one posing naked every few months instead of the human caricature?
Finally somebody else other than myself talking sense on here. Only a matter of time before the thread is hijacked by the haters tho sadly…
Picture #2 is perfect. I’d tounge fuck her fart box all day
Stnning,I’d take kourtney over her freakish sister kim anyday
TBF…I ain’t a fan of this lot..but she seems to be pretty Fit…for now…
It’s funny how the Kardashians go from ugliest to hottest from age. With Klohe being the ugliest and Kylie being the hottest
Kylie being the hottest? LOL WTF that nasty trash makes Willem Dafoe look hot af.
Well Khloe isn’t the oldest. And Kendall is ugly as fuck so none of your math adds up there.
Kylie was on a path to be the hottest, but then she veered off course and decided to take the mini-Kim route.
Not sure how you can compare licking something that has a pussy next to it to licking something that has a ballsack and dick next to it. But we all know that’s how you roll nacho
Folks…lets stop arguing, lets just grab our small dicks and jerk off
Why couldn’t she have made a sextape instead of that whale sister
Has she got a rash in her twat area???? She is with her right hand Always scratching her bikini bottom. Did she get tooo many cock in het pants? STD is very common and even she could have got one…….
hottest K girl???