Kourtney Kardashian Sexy (51 Photos)

Anorexia is far away! Kourtney Kardashian bared bumpy buttocks on a date with her boyfriend. The 39-year-old reality star Courtney Kardashian has recently been suspected of anorexia, but new pictures from the paparazzi say that the Kardashian is all right.

Photographers caught Kourtney Kardashian during a holiday with her children and boyfriend Younes Bendjima. The couple arranged a family trip on a yacht off the Italian coast, 06/30/2018. Light green mini bikini couldn’t hide the lush Courtney’s shapes, in the most rounded areas passing into cellulite.


5 thoughts on “Kourtney Kardashian Sexy (51 Photos)

  1. peter dobson

    Well, i must say that she is more in sync bodywise than her wannebee WHALE Kim K. It is more in proportion. Not anorexic at all.
    But having said that the whole Kardashin/Jenner family is ten hairs away from being baboons.


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