14 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner & Kourtney Kardashian Sexy (5 Photos)

    1. ok

      Chill out, you don’t know anything about them, if you dont’t have something smart to say would be much better to look for a better job than talking nonsense rubbish okay.

    1. Skank Patrol

      Lol and just how is she better than the others? Shes a useless skank with fake tits like the rest and if anything has an even looser pussy due to popping out 3 kids by a loser alcoholic.

      1. then

        Mr Skank, have you ever ever did something to be proud of for yourself, for your friends or at your job in case you have a job instead showing your frustration here about this woman’s family who actually makes money moves but as a matter of fact they give money to as support to charitable events every year almost but actually you don’t know that… Please don’t criticize other people okay have a good day.

    1. rude and wrong

      How could you ever think on such wrong things? Why that bad words addressed to a girl and her family which never ever did something mean to nobody otherwise Kylie also her sisters always proven a support to charitable events as long as money it’s not a thing to them when it comes to be humble and try to give your support to other people now that being said… You actually should visit a psychiatrist or at least let your conscience rise to the sky at think that saying such wrong things about other people that you don’t know anything it’s not a virtue… You will realize this someday.

  1. Spankmaster

    This whole whore of Babylon family has not got one redeeming feature, they are not nice babes and the sooner they all die the better off we will be when we piss on their graves. And yes, that very thought gives me a serious boner. So stand back please, we have lift off…


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