Kylie Jenner Topless (2 Photos)

New topless covered photos of Kylie Jenner with her man from Instagram, 11/19/2016. It’s time for home video! Kylie Jenner is an American reality TV personality, socialite, model and fashion designer. Age: 19 (August 10, 1997).


Kylie Jenner Sexy 2

21 thoughts on “Kylie Jenner Topless (2 Photos)

    1. pharoahegypt

      it does seem to be their thing. get a job with no skills, therefore become famous by way of this, then find yourself a black guy to fuck. kardashian is as kardashian does. (change to jenner as appropriate)

      this whole family; with possible exception of Kendall who actually works; are a complete waste of bones and skin…. i didn’t say brains as i’m not sure any of them have one?

    1. Pud pudding produced from prominent package.

      That’s greater by magnitudes than most of the micro dicks that post on this site. It’s pretty easy to spot them.

  1. Turlough

    There’s no denting she is scorchingly hot, but she looks like she’s about 35. Do none of these Kardashian/Jenner girls understand the appeal of the fresh-faced, girl-next-door look?

    1. Andreas

      they did have that look until they turned 18 and could modify their bodies to look like clones…so what if they like black dudes…..

      1. Andreas

        I mean I like to get me some black dudes too. Nothing makes me beg for more like a BBC and lots of it. Obviously none of you know what you’re missing.

  2. Andreas

    she’s just Kim 2.o…..all those K chicks look the same save Kourtney…….they did have the sweet look until they turned 18 and then it was the K look….and so what if they date black dudes…..


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