Lena Dunham Nude – Girls (2016) s05e03 – HDTV 1080p

New screenshots and clip with Lena Dunham from Girls (2016). Hannah Horvath (Lena Dunham) goes full frontal for a photoshoot, showing off her fat body. Lena Dunham is an American actress, writer, producer, and director. Age: 29 (May 13, 1986).


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36 thoughts on “Lena Dunham Nude – Girls (2016) s05e03 – HDTV 1080p

  1. No

    Fucking ew.

    This show is like the reverse of what women think is going on with the “fat guy hot wife” trope in shows like King of Queens and Sopranos and stuff.

    They fail to see that the mail characters are usually successful or hard working people. In shows like Girls Lena Dunham a literal sow pairs herself up with attractive guys who would never want to fuck her vapid cunt of a character in 100 years.

    1. meh

      Hahahaha wtf? That trope is most represented by The Simpsons and Family Guy, that’s not hard working or succesful.

  2. Sheldon Finkelstein

    It’s great to finally see a REAL American woman with a realistic, natural and beautiful body on this site.

  3. pboi

    you guys r pathetic…I bet ur mom has this body type or even bigger, hell I bet u guys r fatter and uglier and yet u look at urselves in the mirror. she’s a human being, why don’t u guys try to b one as well

  4. GhettoPenthouse

    This fat pig of a Libtard is shaming women and preying on men calling us rapist and crying wolf when she Pedo’d her own little sister. Disgusting fat pig of a woman!

  5. Anon Y Mous

    Yea, men have unrealistic expectations and need to appreciate curvier women. Yea, Lena is chunky, but what some fail to realize is that her chunkiness isn’t the sole reason why she is so unattractive. Her masculine face, the awful hair style, the lack of curves in her breasts to balance out the extra curves in her gut, her awful hair style, and her style of dress. Did I mention her awful hair style? She looks like she is in her upper 40’s/ lower 50’s..

  6. donovan

    That fucking CUNT. I really hope she will die a really painful death. I can’t stand that overhyped piece of shit. Her show is only famous, because fat chicks sympathise with her and that’s it.No quality television, just plain propaganda for a reality, that isn’t even close to real.

    Pretty is pretty and fat is disgusting. Not nice but true

  7. Dan

    all you preaching how she is realistic woman?? lol. i wonder what your thought is of nude pics of Kevin James? he is a realistic man..

  8. Nate

    This bitch is stupid and if anyone on earth deserves to die it’d be her and Nancy Pelosi. Liberal lesbian child molester, she needs to be hung from the tallest branch. I can’t wait till she dies so I can shit on her grave


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