Lisa Appleton & Lauren Harries Topless (61 Photos)

Reality TV stars Lisa Appleton and new transgender BFF Lauren Harries enjoy a fun filled sunshine break in Benidorm, Spain, 03/07/2018.


80 thoughts on “Lisa Appleton & Lauren Harries Topless (61 Photos)

  1. s.smith

    OMFG,just when we thought it couldnt get any worse,we get a transexual with tits,she even makes lisa look hald attractive,well almost,maybe that’s why he/she’s there,lol

  2. Robbo

    Jesus fucking Christ. Did Lisa pick her because she’s the only person in the world who’s even more fucking disgusting than her?

  3. Tsurani Empire

    God Damn this is nauseating, one should never have to see the special needs nude, and honestly down syndrome is more attractive.he other looks like a compressed tootsie roll without the gorgeous chocolate color. I’d rather get punched in the dick, or kicked the face with a golf shoe then sample this buffet of humanity in any carnal sense. My first wife was tarded, ya…. shes a T pilot now!

  4. Brazilian boy

    Oh my God. An old whore, okay, I’ll take it, but this nature freak on her side does not. please just lisa next time. whores are always whores and that’s all

  5. Doug

    The only thing more pathetic and sadder than these two losers is me. Goddammit, where’s the ages and nationalities?

    1. Krunt Buntler

      Saw the photo of the fat woman and the melted wax entity, thought what the fuck, but then had to look down to see what Doug had to say about the matter. And Doug is right, what’s the story with this wax entity, in what country did they first melt into their twisted and brutal form

  6. I'm Jack Enough for Disqus

    DISQUS-ting…..And I don’t mean them tittays. I’m referring to that gigantic birthmark on GMILF



    Just keep looking to the left….just keep looking to the left…just keep looking to the left….shiver

  8. NoFatChix

    Jesus Christ. Between the overdone Maitland Whored posts and garbage like this, I will not be visiting this site anymore.

    What the fuck is wrong with you?

  9. Merkin

    What in the holy Mother of Fuck is wrong with this world? Kill that fucking mongoloid with fire. Burn it and never, ever mess with Mother Nature like that again! Our existence depends on it.

  10. I’m just here for the comments, does the blonde have any teeth? I’m gonna have to Google many pictures of Olga kobzar to remove those two from my eyes #burnthemwithfire 🙂

  11. TsuraniEmpire

    This is fucking disgusting, looks like someone beat whoever he / she identifies as with a down syndrome stick. Glad they are comfortable in their own skin but this is going to haunt my dreams for years to come. Not sure why this was even posted. Nothing sexually appetizing about someone who resembles Rain Man’s close relative with their tits out.

  12. WTF

    I only came here for the comments section, and was not disappointed. I don’t think the real Doug even posted in here.

    European Union people, this is the representation of your progressiveness. You can keep it. Only the muslim refugees will want to rape this.

  13. AJ

    To all idiots apparently on this comment section making the obvious comments about these women, whom obviously profit from the obvious comments they receive about their obvious looks. You obviously don’t you know that this is what Craphead lives off? Just look at the reaction to these non-beauties compared to a unknown blond beauty. This is what spurs the emotions from those who make their obvious comments, and which stirs the wallet of our Craphead. What a Genius.

    Btw, we call this CLICKBAIT.

  14. CK

    This website has been slowly going downhill for quite awhile now and I think it’s starting to slide faster and faster. Whatever credibility The Fappening Blog once had is gone. It’s not just THESE types of posts, but a lot of people I never heard of and even those that aren’t even naked. Thankfully better content can be found elsewhere.


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