Lisa Appleton Sexy (61 Photos)

Lisa Appleton splashing in the sea on Holiday In Spain, 12/02/2016. She’s like a goddess Venus 🙂 Lisa Appleton is a British reality star (Big Brother). Age: 48 (May 23, 1968).


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38 thoughts on “Lisa Appleton Sexy (61 Photos)

  1. pharoahegypt

    Is her agent paying you to keep posting her pictures every week?

    Why do phrases like “That she blows!” come to mind? Would someone please roll her back in the sea, please…!

    For those who think I’m being harsh of a larger built lady; you likely didn’t have to suffer her & her ‘beefcake’ annoying hubby back on UK’s Big Brother 9, a few years back now… About as vacuous & irrelevant as reality wannabes come, in my opinion.

    1. AJ

      Oh, so this piece of shit now deletes comments that tell the truth. That the site owner ONLY posts these pics of human whales for the $$$ from advertising and comments. What an asshole. Go fuck yourself loser.

  2. Andreas

    It should come as no surprise that I’m into fucking the fatties and banging the blubber. Hope she keeps pounding the mcdubs and mcflurries cause I just love those fat folds.

  3. Memphis Monteiro

    Please , please stop posting those Whales pics! I love you guys for the site, But I cannot understand why every single week we need to see this kind of thing T__T Please stop! I need to sleep at night, and not have nightmares! >.<

  4. nabeeb is allah

    Hi Lisa my name is Nabeeb and im from Iran. You are beautiful woman I would like to pleasure you and feed you and then you give me the sex and have child for me. You like this yes! Call me please 42227533390

    1. Andreas

      I tried calling that number and received no answer. I hope you are being genuine. It would be wrong to all that is holy and under the eyes of allah if you are deceiving us by using a fake name. I mean, who does that on a site like this.

      If, however, this is real and just a typo, I’m pretty sure the fatwas says no pork or fatass. No worries though nabeebster, I am ready to help you churn your mangurt my Muslim brotha. Call me: 243-357-7733 (cheekspred).

  5. sergio

    Wow, I really really really do not like such women, but I respect their courage to show themselves in a bikini. She really has balls.

  6. You

    So disgusting. Seriously. We don’t come here to see sea cows. That poor, poor bikini. You think it started its life dreaming of being on a pig like that? Ugh.

  7. MM00

    She should immediately be ground into hamburger and fed to the dogs and cats at the nearest homeless animal shelter…

  8. Mr. E

    Fucking douchebag admin posting this on here for the sake of fat shaming. You know what comments will get put here by these animals.


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