Liya Sitdikova Nude & Sexy (171 Photos)

Check out the nude and sexy photos of Liya Sitdikova (2016-2018). Liya Sitdikova is a 24-year-old Russian model, Playboy’s 2017 Playmate of the Year in Russia.

She was born in Naberezhnye Chelny, then moved to Kazan with her family, and then moved to Moscow, where she entered the University of civil aviation. After graduation, she plans to get a second higher education and become a pilot.

She dreams of starring in a movie or TV series. Liya is fond of jet skis and can’t imagine her life without a gym, and now also dreams of learning to surf.


10 thoughts on “Liya Sitdikova Nude & Sexy (171 Photos)

  1. John Doe

    I genuinely do not understand why you included roughly 85% of the pictures. We’re here for nudes or as close to it as possible but most of these pictures are fully clothed and just pointlessly taking up space.

  2. Langsmurf

    Can’t i just put her in a box, hacksaw her in half like in those magic tricks, take the bottom part and be done with it?
    Hey, i’ll put her back together or bleach her afterwards. I promise!

    1. Spankmaster

      Love your style, Langsmurf. And as she’s suffering from the clap, I’ll have that lower half after you’re finished with it. Just remember to give it a good cleaning for me. I hate sloppy seconds…


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