Lizzie Cundy (48) hosts the International Film Festival at Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Maldives. She manages to get a bit of relaxing time in a hammock over the sea, 09/08/2018.
14 thoughts on “Lizzie Cundy Sexy (29 Photos)”
Jeremy Fucking Clarkson
Lizzy Cunty more like.
She was incredibly rude to Mrs Clarkson at the latest Middlesbrough Swingers Club summer party. I was happily fucking Mrs C in the dungeon in front of Derek and Alan, when Ms Cunty came in and insisted on pulling my cock out of Mrs C’s cunt and finishing me off with her mouth. The cheeky cunt – you’re meant to ask, Ms Cunty, not help yourself to soneone else’s spunk.
Just as long as it’s not Russel Brand. That guy is the cunt to end all fucking cunts. And he boasts to be better at fucking women than you. Were they to give a day in jail for murdering ass fuckers like that, I’d be warming up my high powered rifle quick smart. Ah well, we can only dream…
James Fucking May
Hey Spanky, JC is wrong I’m afraid, I am a complete dick. But to get to the point, I don’t think even a cunt like Russel Brand presumed to be better in the sack than Jeremy. Just the rest of us shrivelled dick mortals.
James Fucking May
PPS Spanky. I hear that while me and Hammond were getting our prostate massage off Mrs Clarkson (after HE let us all down at the orgy), you received yours directly off Jeremy. PPPS Jeremy is right about Matt Le Blanc. He is a total cunt. NEVER let him give you a prostate massage.
James, I have no interest in ever getting a prostate check off that man; his has incredibly cold hands and doesn’t even smile when he puts a finger in all sorts of places. (Don’t ask how I know, suffice to say it has something with me now acquiring my rectal zygmoidascope.) And as for Jeremy servicing me, at least he allowed to utilise Mrs. Clarkson’s fluffer services afterwards so as to keep me on the straight and narrow. That woman has the most amazing teeth…
Lizzy Cunty more like.
She was incredibly rude to Mrs Clarkson at the latest Middlesbrough Swingers Club summer party. I was happily fucking Mrs C in the dungeon in front of Derek and Alan, when Ms Cunty came in and insisted on pulling my cock out of Mrs C’s cunt and finishing me off with her mouth. The cheeky cunt – you’re meant to ask, Ms Cunty, not help yourself to soneone else’s spunk.
Next time you do that, a lifetime ban awaits.
Which bit is unclear, Bruce?
He hasn’t been the same since I molested him in the Bat Cave. (That is a euphemism, by the way.)
Unforgivable JC. One to keep an eye on !
The extreme fucking nerve of some people, Jeremy. I bet she didn’t even pay you afterwards for your dedicated services…
Yeah, that festival in the Maldives is right up there with Cannes. *eye roll*
p.s. Why the fuck can’t we use emojis?
Because we’re not gayers.
You hurt my feelings. Matt LeBlanc wouldn’t have done that. Or even Richard Hammond. James May, maybe, but he’s an asshole.
It wasn’t meant to upset you, Shaz; it was just meant as a reminder. And James is ok when you get to know him. Le Blanc though, he’s a absolute cunt.
Just as long as it’s not Russel Brand. That guy is the cunt to end all fucking cunts. And he boasts to be better at fucking women than you. Were they to give a day in jail for murdering ass fuckers like that, I’d be warming up my high powered rifle quick smart. Ah well, we can only dream…
Hey Spanky, JC is wrong I’m afraid, I am a complete dick. But to get to the point, I don’t think even a cunt like Russel Brand presumed to be better in the sack than Jeremy. Just the rest of us shrivelled dick mortals.
PPS Spanky. I hear that while me and Hammond were getting our prostate massage off Mrs Clarkson (after HE let us all down at the orgy), you received yours directly off Jeremy. PPPS Jeremy is right about Matt Le Blanc. He is a total cunt. NEVER let him give you a prostate massage.
James, I have no interest in ever getting a prostate check off that man; his has incredibly cold hands and doesn’t even smile when he puts a finger in all sorts of places. (Don’t ask how I know, suffice to say it has something with me now acquiring my rectal zygmoidascope.) And as for Jeremy servicing me, at least he allowed to utilise Mrs. Clarkson’s fluffer services afterwards so as to keep me on the straight and narrow. That woman has the most amazing teeth…