Nearly perfect woman. Shame she’s a smoker. I want to stick my face between those arse cheeks.. These are all on her Instagram free to any anybody and everybody
I like curvy women, don’t get me wrong, and when she first came on to the scene, Lucy Collett was scorchingly hot. But, for some reason, known only to herself, she’s piling on the pounds like a convict on death row gorging on fried chicken for his last meal. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly anorexic myself, but I don’t make my living due to my appearance. She does. So why is she lacking the self discipline to keep her figure in shape? She’s only 28 for Christ’s sake, her metabolism should still be okay. What’s she going to be like when she hits 40? It’s such a shame because she used to be so sexy.
Having said all that, I would still fuck her of course…
this and charley springer. Is being fat equalling getting paid higher now ? Perfectly beautiful women then. Now I am too disgusted to even hate them. I still think her full nude picset is the best(sans the self-harm scars, ofcourse).
She was totally stunning just a few years ago. Then she embarked on a project to protect the people of the world from the danger of pies, by eating them all herself.
I mean, I still would, but I wish I’d had the chance a few years back.
She’s gone down hill FAST. Chunka, Chunka, thought she was about 38 now, purely based on pics, she shud b at her peak not looking like she needs a rascal scooter to do her shopping..
A curvy redhead goddess with a Nigella Lawson approach to life – what’s not to love? Hmmm, quite fuckable and ready to give me a wild time. Stand back please, w have lift off…
Actually, that first image got me where she is giving the viewers the finger with both hands, while her undies also are doing the same. I don’t mind the message as I thrive on rejection, but where her undies are concerned, does that mean her nether regions are objecting or in need of a wellplaced finger? At the risk of sounding like Pauline Hansen, someone please explain…
I know that she could lose a few pounds but i still think she has some killer curves.
what a woman
I could have fun with her right now. Hot.
She can pretend all she wants about empowerment and all that bullshit but deep down there is no way she can be happy with her appearance
Fat Jewish Pig.
brainless mongoloid twit^^^^^^^
Nearly perfect woman. Shame she’s a smoker.
I want to stick my face between those arse cheeks..
These are all on her Instagram free to any anybody and everybody
ugly in my opinion, anyway can be obese no idea why they are so happy about it.
Jeez! I didn’t realise how FAT she is!
heart attack and death soon, so fat
What an obese waste she has become look at that cottage cheese on her ass
I like curvy women, don’t get me wrong, and when she first came on to the scene, Lucy Collett was scorchingly hot. But, for some reason, known only to herself, she’s piling on the pounds like a convict on death row gorging on fried chicken for his last meal. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not exactly anorexic myself, but I don’t make my living due to my appearance. She does. So why is she lacking the self discipline to keep her figure in shape? She’s only 28 for Christ’s sake, her metabolism should still be okay. What’s she going to be like when she hits 40? It’s such a shame because she used to be so sexy.
Having said all that, I would still fuck her of course…
Having said all that, Lucy still wouldn’t fuck you of course…
ofc not, even a 2/10 like lucy can deny sex with a 10/10 man because retards and fatty lovers like you will always exists
Of course not. Most women reject like 99.999% of the male population. Except you mom. She takes all she can get… o_O.
Nice face, shame about all the fat, not attractive, not healthy, just slightly nauseating.
this and charley springer. Is being fat equalling getting paid higher now ? Perfectly beautiful women then. Now I am too disgusted to even hate them. I still think her full nude picset is the best(sans the self-harm scars, ofcourse).
That BBW bitch has a pair of big boobs that I’d love to have in my face.
Shes 28? She looks like shes 48
I love her so much.
has a third nipple above her eye
Does she let little doggie lick dat cooter? 😆
She was totally stunning just a few years ago. Then she embarked on a project to protect the people of the world from the danger of pies, by eating them all herself.
I mean, I still would, but I wish I’d had the chance a few years back.
She’s gone down hill FAST. Chunka, Chunka, thought she was about 38 now, purely based on pics, she shud b at her peak not looking like she needs a rascal scooter to do her shopping..
A curvy redhead goddess with a Nigella Lawson approach to life – what’s not to love? Hmmm, quite fuckable and ready to give me a wild time. Stand back please, w have lift off…
Actually, that first image got me where she is giving the viewers the finger with both hands, while her undies also are doing the same. I don’t mind the message as I thrive on rejection, but where her undies are concerned, does that mean her nether regions are objecting or in need of a wellplaced finger? At the risk of sounding like Pauline Hansen, someone please explain…
One could theorise that shes giving the finger(s) to all the fat haters/shamers, that would be my best guest