Lucy Collett Selfies (17 Photos)

Selfie photos of Lucy Collett from social media.  Good collection! Lucy Collett, also known as Lucy V and Lucy Vixen, is a glamour model from Warwick. Age 27 (3 March 1989). Height: 168 cm.


Lucy Collett Selfies 1

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7 thoughts on “Lucy Collett Selfies (17 Photos)

  1. jurikloyrt

    Bring on the comments about how she’s too fat now!

    Meanwhilst, I’ll be right over here jacking myself raw.

  2. Turlough

    I am one of those guys who always says I like a woman with a bit of meat on her bones – but there are limits. There’s a difference between being curvy and being fat. Sadly, Lucy is teetering over the edge of fatness, which is a shame because she used to be fantastic. Having said that, I’d still fuck her though, given half a chance.

  3. Clive

    Yeah she’s overweight but she’s still very fuckable. Personally id rather have an overweight girl than an underweight one. They are usually miserable looking bitches.

  4. snipes

    Wow congrats on looking like a Walmart girl instead of a fit model…this is what is happening because woman are told they are to skinny now and made fun of…. CONGRATS….Diabetes thanks you….sickning


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