Lucy Collett Sexy and Topless (4 Photos)

New sexy and topless photos of Lucy Collett at the wall – Page3, 05/26/2016. Gorgeous big woman! Lucy Collett, also known as Lucy V and Lucy Vixen, is a glamour model from Warwick. Age: 27 (3 March 1989). Height: 168 cm.


Lucy Collett Sexy and Topless 1

Lucy Collett Sexy and Topless 2 Lucy Collett Sexy and Topless 3 Lucy Collett Sexy and Topless 4


34 thoughts on “Lucy Collett Sexy and Topless (4 Photos)

    1. jasonblake

      Amen! Thank you for finally saying it out loud, these disgusting red-haired fatties are so ugly! Why can’t they stop posting this disgusting sh*t???

  1. BanFatbitches

    Your a like some type of asshole. You seen how many people commented on the last time you posted this fat cow. But you still decided to post it. SHE IS SO NASTY she would have to pay me to let her suck my cock. Seriously either you don’t read the comments or your a moron. Who the fuck wants to see that slob. And than you type big gorgeous women. Your a real class act. But do us all a favor. If I wanted to look at farm animals I’d go to a farm.

    P.S. You were doing great on the adds, now they are back again. Your fucking up man

  2. poopooparty

    What a complete fall from sexy grace. It OK, I guess, to get fat. I’ve gotten fatter but I’m not a topless model. But why she’s still “famous” is beyond me.

    Tons of fat pigs show their tits for free. It called college spring break in Mexico.

  3. Jimmy

    Isn’t this the model that promotes obesity? She has that rare body type that distributes fat in all the right places and she can be a bit chubby and still be attractive, but she is really letting her self go. She is probably the kind of person who says “see gurl you can be fat and still be beautiful, don’t let hollywood tell you you need to be thin to be pretty”. All the while 99.99% of fatties are figureless blobs of lard.

    You can tell by all the scars on her wrists and her neon hair coloration that she is unstable.

  4. Jeff

    Jeez you would think after posting Tess Holliday it would put things into perspective for you assholes. Still very fuckable imo. Sue me.

  5. s.smith

    She’s getting bigger and bigger,theres voluptuous and then theres just plain fat,maybe she’s going for the BBW market,lol

  6. Michael

    She lost her brother about 10 years ago and had problems with depression, so yeah you could say she is unstable. This is a plus sized model, not the whale that was posted a couple of days ago!

  7. Turlough

    What the fuck is she doing to herself? She’s a glamour model, it’s her job to show off her body. Why is she letting herself become such a fatso? Why aren’t her employers telling her to lose weight? I mean, I’m not exactly weight watcher of the year – but I’m not paid to show off my body. It’s such a shame because she was so sexy when she was slimmer.

  8. Flimflam

    Ohh yeah guys she was so much hotter when she was suffering from a eating disorder.
    You people are fucking scum
    It doesn’t really matter what you people think cause I guarantee none of you would stand a chance with “fatso, pig, obese blob of lard”
    She’d probably laugh at your hairy baby dicks

    1. snipes

      Flimflam First she used to be hot and healthy
      Second it matters what we think because it is people like us who pay for this fat fuck to get fatter.
      Third Go back to your obese cow your brainwashing is showing you desperate SJW loser!
      I guess some of us could be paid to touch her maybe but this Obese slob is a shadow of her hot self but we would rather pretty much any other woman on here or her old self that is called good taste 😉

      1. Flimflam

        Snipes you’re beyond retarded I’m not even gonna waste my time drilling into you and you probably look like Michael Moore and haven’t been laid in years

        1. snipes

          Flimflam I am sorry to disappoint you I am the opposite to your obese fantasy you desperate loser. Well of course you would say I am “retarded” you have the mind of a child and the intellect of one also it would seem. SJW warriors are not know for their maturity, calmness or cleverness ;)See you Here found one for you or maybe it is you 😉

    1. Turlough

      Blimey, that’s quite a find. I didn’t realise she’d done the ‘full monty’ back in the day. You look at her then and look at her now and it’s extraordinary. Tragic too. It’s like modern day Lucy ate the original Lucy.


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