Photos from a never-before-seen photo shoot Madonna posed for as an 18-year-old are going up for auction.
Gotta Have Rock and Roll is auctioning off Madonna’s earliest known original nude photos one photo per lot, each with original negatives and copyrights. The pictures show Madonna at the Art World Institute of Creative Arts and were shot by photographer Cecil I. Taylor, who met the future superstar when she was an arts student living in Ann Arbor, Michigan. They are part of the “Rock & Roll Pop Culture Auction” Presented by Gotta Have Rock and Roll, which will run online from November 22 to December 1.
I’ve got a hair on my tongue…
y is this even here
She looked great. A Star in the making. There should be lots more photos from this series at least a hundred more listed in the auction.
If I was rich enough I’d buy them and just burn them
Genuine, all right – when Madonna was 18 years old, color photography hadn’t been invented yet.
This retardbabove my comment needs to go back to school. He is a a stage 4 retard.
So, I’ll save my money, and just print them from here!
Nice copypasta, would you pesto or parma on that?
Copypasta? From what? Show me where I copy and pasted that comment.
That was all me, baby! I learned to identify male from female. Males and females have SEVERAL traits which are USUALLY common in males and females respectively. It’s NOT UNCOMMON for a male or female to possess ONE, TWO or THREE traits from the opposite sex; FOUR traits is even a decent probability (with relation to the number of people on Earth). However, when you start getting FIVE or MORE traits from the opposite sex in a particular specimen (like this tranny) is very unheard-of. However, having over EIGHT traits of the opposite sex is next to impossible.
Learn the physiological differences between males and females. It will prevent you from beating your meat to another man.
her promising a blow job to anyone who voted for killary is the real reason Trump won.
Either that or Americans are really stupid enough to vote for a bag-of-shit like Trump.
Well, you can always count on the stupidity of Americans, so…
This may be even more disgusting than maitland wart.
Thanks. It was always item #1 on my bucket list to one day be lucky enough to see a bony woman with a four inch pelvis circumference attempting to strangle a large black dog between her thighs. What breed is it? Black Afghan? Hungarian Puli? Or is it our rare old pedigree pal, Stanky Mutant Hairy Bush that Stanketh of Fermented Fish Entrails, Cheetos, Cumin and Stilton Broth?
Either way, neither firehose nor flamethrower could blast that mosh pit clean of all the crab lice, pus crust and yellow toenail clippings festering in its depths. Thus we may never be allowed to gaze upon the bloated purple meat curtains dangling and dripping beneath that generous helping of thick black mammoth wool.
IT WAS 1976 !!
At least it’s someone we’ve heard of, as opposed to an “instagram model” or the same 5 fame whores posted every day, and she’s nude instead of “sexy,” the catchall term for all non-nude entries. And it’s not a repost of photos posted on instagram. So hey, I’ll take it.
In the first pic she looks like cyrus, both have about the same amount of talent and stds.
Strangely, the post that I was referring to has somehow disappeared. Im guessing from the passionate response you have made several misjudgements with regrettable outcomes. I leave that to the imagination for anyone. Why does the pop queen have a cancer chemo head covering? I know its obvious but where is her nationality in the official info and something I have always wondered, did Carrie Anne Moss copy the lesbian look from the queen or visa versa
thought she was in gitmo as a terrorist for making threats about attacking the the house