French actors and husband and wife Guillaume Canet and Marion Cotillard let it all hang out going utterly naked as they enjoy a romantic dip in the ocean, 08/02/2018.
The couple has been married since 2017 and looks thoroughly relaxed with each other while on their holidays in Cap-Ferret, France.
Finally, a hairy pussy for me to wank over. I’d have to overlook the tits though.
Still, you can’t have everything.
Glad you like JC. I have some pictures of you wife like this. She is always good for a wank.
Must admit your wife’s tits are better, but you can’t beat her fucking her anus in your front window.
Will you two go back to driving those cars I gave you please?
I’m furiously masturbating here and you’re putting me off.
The Top Gear crowd always love to see you pull your pudding JC. Its the best part of the show. Sorry we are late but your wife insisted that me the Hamster both fuck her then piss all over her in your front window. The neighbours say Hi.
Not gonna lie, your wife was a real good fuck
You definitely haven’t fucked my wife (because she’s not).
Fucking Amateurs
You are so right JC. He hasn’t fucked your wife, but he did suck her big dick, along with the Hamster. Think we both know the Hamster enjoyed it most. They both had a right good nosh.
We all fuck her while you are in road trips.
Holly shit, those tits are horrific!
Well that’s disappointing
20 years ago, Id have fapped to this. But now, I need to unsee it.
put the clothes back on ho
What the hayell did Brad Pitt see in her while he was still married to Angelina?
He must love him some hair pie and some flapjacks!
She used to be so beautiful. Time has murdered her tits. They used to be amazing.
All you kissless virgin’s in for a treat when you grow up and start seeing real women naked instead of shopped plastic tits.
finally someone who is clever, most of ppl seem to like plastic dolls such as KK or her little sister Kylie Jenner and prefer to make fun of the only natural one in the K family : Kendall, by saying she looks like a boy etc..
Natural is always a winner to me.
She’s had kids so get real on the tits people.
I think her tits changed in time. I saw other naked pictures of her (they were not very old) and she looked much better. Saggy and flat tits, not small tits just flat. That is some change. Something really must have happened to her.
What the hell happened to her. I saw her tits last year leaked from some movie made in 2016 and she looked much better. Maybe that was a body double or else something happened to her in the last 2 years.
that was the most obvious CGI body double ever, that body looked NOTHING like hers, at any time in history
having kids can deflate tits big time, and it sadly has happened to her. would still bang though
Have to respect her for not getting silicone
tru but barf bucket instead
The caption said both were naked. It’s only her. Did he ever get naked?
The titties are just fine and at least they’re natural for once. You immature and inexperienced fuckers that have only seen titties on the internet will appreciate a real pair no matter the size, shape, and level of droop if you ever get to touch a real pair at all.
Man her tits look like they got inflated. Horrible.
Someone probably told her to put her clothes back on thus the ‘double bird’. She got naked even more which is great reverse psychology.
For some reason I’m now hungry for eggs.
Well time and pregnancy are not good for your tits … guess she’ll have to resort to plastic surgery 🙂
At this point, plastic surgery will just make those things look worse.
I get it, the titties droop. It happens to all buxom women when they age.
Still works me. Its not like they are pointing completely south. A little droop gives you more jiggle.
Flipping off the peeping paparazzi. I like that. You go, girl.
Deflated tits and no ass at all
Damn, she’s aged horribly LOL
This is what two kids do to a woman body.
Really? So funny cause she would fuck the shit out of many of you she’s a french descent, so that means a lot, there’s no way you guys would handle a french beauty as her anyway, let’s assume it was another joke what you said folks goodbye.