“Geordie Shore” and “Celebrity Big Brother” star Marnie Simpson sizzles in a white bikini during a sexy photoshoot, 10/19/2018. The 26-year-old sexy babe mentioned that she could be “back on the market” again after posting a post on Instagram about being single after split from boyfriend Casey Johnson.
mmmmmmmm Squishy!
Same stupid comment, different post and day. Obviously, you have limited mental capacity.
Oh I’m sorry. Would clicking on a link of women I find unattractive just to leave some vitriol about women on this site due to having too many tattoos boost up my IQ? Get a job.
The retard that uses the ^ is a total piece of shit. Ignore the cunt
Retard, so big definition low IQ.
I’m sure your always right micro-penis boi^^^^^^^
Hmmm, you weren’t complaining while I was tickling your tonsils. Less teeth next time.
Oh god, another Pboi faggot.
fuck off tosser
There’s something wrong with her face.
Photoshopped to death. Her skin is blotchy flabby and gross in reality and her face does not remotely look like that. Another saddo trying to look better than what she is
Actually I though that too. Turns out her face does look like that. It’s just a fuck load of plastic surgery.
Curvey hot girl. Love her body.
Had to use a wide angle lens for that one.
Fake tits, fake lips, fake hair, fake tan, very airbrushed photos, why not just show a Picasso painting?
Her face is a mess….it’s like 3-4 different people mixed into one fuk up face.