21 thoughts on “Meghan Markle Topless (1 GIF)

  1. Fuck You Fappening

    Every time I visit this site I realize how fucking shitty it’s become. Hey, let’s post a non-nude photo, shown on basic cable, with a click bait title. Fuck you makarova23.ru. You used to be good, now you’re just shit reposting either no-name celebs and porn stars or garbage like this.

    1. Don

      I agree. It’s loaded with bullshit now, mostly from OnlyGirls (clearly they’re being paid here for it) and the fucking retard who posts stuff doesn’t even know what topless means. THIS IS NOT A TOPLESS SHOT, ASSHOLE!!! It’s not even implied.

      1. Cryhwks

        Actually topless means she has no top on, so by the end of the Gif she has no top meaning she’s technically topless, you just don’t get to see her tits.

        And instead of complaining about this site just stop using it.

    1. Steven Chocolate

      At least try to keep a piece of respect when you address such words to a woman and much more when the person you address this is humble and honest person … think about that peace and love it’s all about man.

    1. Stephen

      Prince Harry is sixth in line for the throne so the odds of Meghan becoming Queen are almost zero.

      1. Wina

        I wonder it’s sadly when some of you guys doesn’t have an occupation than talk rubbish…She never said such things as a result she doesn’t care by this queen status because she’s humble smart and honest enough to see the simple and most important things in life as giving support to other people and bringing also to them a piece of light.

    2. Wigga

      And you just show your frustration not knowing a damn thing about her, jealousy think at yours instead to think at others lives teens nowadays…

  2. nacho

    Now rub dem titties and pound that ass for 20-30 mins
    Then endure the remaining 23 hours of annoyance and some titted-skank eating your food

  3. Waldo

    A nigger, is a nigger and will always be a nigger. The Royal family are niggers…think about it. They live off the people, they don’t actually work and they expect everything done for them….

    No respect for them or the dark niggers who breed and have more niglets to get more money from us…

    Kill them all…. Mexicans and Russians, too!!


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