Micaela Schäfer Nude (11 Photos)

Here are new nude photos of Micaela Schäfer by Jorg Otto for Playboy Czech (May 2017). Micaela Schäfer is a model, reality television star, dJane from Germany. Age – 33 yo.


11 thoughts on “Micaela Schäfer Nude (11 Photos)

  1. -_-

    Does she have a gross looking pussy or something? She’ll whip those fake tits out for a Butterfinger but not the other parts

  2. Jrock83

    Don’t care about schafer, but we need more of those cars…. Almost fuckable, which is also what im told too often

  3. Junkiepete

    I bet she has an outsized body builders clit .
    Although if it wasn’t for defacing her tits she is not a bad looking woman. Bet she deepthroats too.


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