Micaela Schäfer Sexy (10 New Photos)

Micaela Schäfer opens Ego erotic megastore in Berlin, 12/09/2016. Micaela Schäfer is an actress, model, TV presenter, DJ and singer from Leipzig (Ger). Age: 33 (November 1, 1983). Height: 1,75 m.


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10 thoughts on “Micaela Schäfer Sexy (10 New Photos)

  1. Andreas

    I am actually a part owner of the erotic superstore in berlin. In fact, I was lucky enough to have that snake shoved up my ass because, Mr Happyfeet, my kids latest pet gerbil, wouldn’t cooperate. Thankfully, there will be no more embarrassing trips to the proctologist for me while we have this snake. Now if I could just figure out how to retrieve lefthand drivers keys, I’d be all set.

    1. Andreas not the cuck

      someone please take me back to the funny farm, there are so many of me here I dont know who I am anymore and why is there a snake up my ass? Ok, I’ll drink the koolaid just dont make me eat the gerbils, I’m such a basement dweller, oh help me momma…..

  2. Andreas

    Wow, haters gonna hate and imitators imitate. Guess we’ve really hit that nerve. Kinda like when that gerbil scratches the prostrate: love it and hate it at the same time. Looks like the cuck is trying a new approach since the Christa stink ricci meltdown didn’t work. I ask again: you do realize you are self humiliating cause it’s your own name, don’t you little cuck?

    1. Andreas Jr.

      dad, why do you do this? your not funny, it’s the same every time. please get some help. please just stop. your very embarrassed offspring.

  3. Andreas

    I’m thinking you’re running outta shit to spew little boy and you are not getting dessert tonight so go play in the road. you need to come up with wittier sputum, sonny b4cause there isn’t anything you can say anymore that is gonna piss me off, hell you’ve already said it all….what’s next you lonely little boy, now quit shoving ants up your ass….as you are in an ant way….hate to tell you but you cant lay ant eggs,

    1. Andreas Jr.

      oh dad please learn to spell and please understand that your not funny. and please stop being angry because your being bettered.


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