Check out these nude pics and leaked Fappening sex video of Michaela Mendez. Michaela Mendez is a 23-year-old American blogger, known as YouTuber SheIsMichaela, social media star, and girlfriend of NatesLife. She has over 141k Instagram followers.

*Insert racist comment here*
Hey, it’s not my fault black dicks look like big turds
Check out the big fucking sjw. Listen fuckwit. Ain’t no dumb cunts here who you can half impress by acting like you give a shit about black people. Why don’t you go to Starbucks and fucking spout your power shit there.
Feel better about yourself no, dET? Hopefully you made yourself feel so good you don’t have to go fuck that little kid tonight to feel like a big person.
aww look everyone, this kid tried out his first internet burn
keep practicing kid and someday you’ll be funny
Good luck getting a regular job when your instagram fame runs out …
Where the video?
Black wieners are gross.
Don’t let Nacho see these, we all know how he love’s the black cock.
last few minutes of the video are gold
Really? Did she finally take my chimp brother’s dick in her poopchute?
What a waste.
Shes a squirter
You jigs hate that big black dick
WOW looks so tasty. A real big black cock. I wanna help her and make him cum.
Nice video. Love to see more videos of them.
how did you see it ??
Black dicks are the best
Jealous because you cant use a urinal without pissing on the floor or your own nuts? Dont be a hater because someone has a bigger dick ….it just wasnt meant for you to have one.
Where’s the video ??
The only difference between you snow chimps and this guy is that your dicks are an eighth his size and youre not getting laid. Viva la reconquista!
Why does she poop out of her mouth and vagina?