New photo of Miley Cyrus in leggins from Instagram, 10/23/2016. Vote for Trump and kiss her ass! 🙂 Miley Cyrus is an American actress and singer. Age: 23 (November 23, 1992).
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36 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus Ass (1 Photo)”
She needs to do this nude…would love to ram my cock deep and hard in that cunt
no matter what you think of her the chick can sing and I believe there is a small round wet spot in those pants……..and hell yeah Hillary, fuck tRump…..
and Drumpf is a monomaniacal misogynist racist fascist……..simple as that, build a fucking wall?hahahahahaha…..yeah like that’ll work and if he cant find a fact to back something up he fabricates one….he’s lied about more than Hillary any day…..
Yeah wanting to stop ILLEGAL immigration makes you a racist fascist right? smh. Fucking tards like you are the reason trump has gotten this far. Killary has actual blood on her hands from Syria and Libya and looks likely to provoke ww3 with Russia. But hey she has a pussy so to Andreas she can do no wrong.
Trump wants to stop illegal immigration not legal immigration. Every single President including Obama has been deporting millions of illegals Trump is saying his plan out loud.
Just because you agree on 1 thing a candidate does doesnt mean you vote for him/her. dont be stupid. vote for someone that has a lot in common with your beliefs.
You butt-hurt Hillary cuntlappers can leave the country with Miley, since we’re gonna make sure she makes good on her words. Lied her tight ass off to her fans, didn’t she? I figure the only reason I’d let her stay in the country, is to make gonzo humiliation porn, since that where this slag belongs.
all you Drumper sheep are a bunch of neo-nazi idiots with zero intelligence…..good thing he’ll only be here 4 years because he’s gonna ruin the country…..this orange asshole has no clue as to what is happening…..he cant build a wall because Mexico isn’t gonna support it and then who pays for it…..not my tax dollars…..gee maybe this jerk can start a war with them, huh? fucking idiots
She needs to do this nude…would love to ram my cock deep and hard in that cunt
You said what 99% are thinking…
mileycyrusGood morning!!!! Kiss my ashtanga ass if you aren’t voting for #imwithher #mydreamistodoyogawithHC
that is what she said, she should be raped by immigrants so she would change her opinions
too right, i was wondering what the “vote trump” in the description was referencing.
Republicans : Immigrants = Cheap Labor
Democrats : Immigrants = Future Voting Block
Non immigrant hourly worker = Screwed!
You win the award for person on this site with the highest IQ.
You are 100% right.
I’d be more than happy to kiss and lick her ass! Fucking A!
I’m voting Trump. Where do I sign up to kiss her beautiful ass?
Right?! I’d vote for anyone other than Hillary if it meant I could eat her ass.
Now if only some kind soul would leak a video of her getting fucked in that position.
Certainly makes the fucking to facial move a helluva lot easier.
She is just upset because I wouldn’t grab her by the pussy!
Not see thru.. am sad.
I want to buy that thong and her pussy juice leaking yogas
no matter what you think of her the chick can sing and I believe there is a small round wet spot in those pants……..and hell yeah Hillary, fuck tRump…..
Fuck both of them. I know you tend to worship anything with a pussy but Hillary is a liar and a warmonger who sold her soul to wall street.
I’d rather have Hillary than tRump and yeah I like women but that doesn’t mean I wanna fuck everyone I see….worship, get a grip, sonny
Fuck Killary. She plans war with Russia, Iran, and China. She’ll kill us all. Trump only wants to bomb ISIS.
you’re full of shit and gullible as hell…
Your a moron.
She cannot sing.If you think she can you have no idea what a singer really is.
Fuck Trump, 99% of americans are immigrants so..
If you haven’t heard about the endless crimes of the other candidate, you’ve got your head buried all the way up Miley Cyrus’s aids infested butthole.
Trump wants people to enter the country legally? Wow I hate him now :^)
and Drumpf is a monomaniacal misogynist racist fascist……..simple as that, build a fucking wall?hahahahahaha…..yeah like that’ll work and if he cant find a fact to back something up he fabricates one….he’s lied about more than Hillary any day…..
Yeah wanting to stop ILLEGAL immigration makes you a racist fascist right? smh. Fucking tards like you are the reason trump has gotten this far. Killary has actual blood on her hands from Syria and Libya and looks likely to provoke ww3 with Russia. But hey she has a pussy so to Andreas she can do no wrong.
Trump wants to stop illegal immigration not legal immigration. Every single President including Obama has been deporting millions of illegals Trump is saying his plan out loud.
All the celebrities are against Trump. I guess I should hate him then!
Just tune into CNN, listen, and believe :^)
Fuck Drumpf
Fxuck that dipshit Drumpf and hooray for miley’s pussy
F*ck Drumpf and hooray for miley’s pussy
Just because you agree on 1 thing a candidate does doesnt mean you vote for him/her. dont be stupid. vote for someone that has a lot in common with your beliefs.
You butt-hurt Hillary cuntlappers can leave the country with Miley, since we’re gonna make sure she makes good on her words. Lied her tight ass off to her fans, didn’t she? I figure the only reason I’d let her stay in the country, is to make gonzo humiliation porn, since that where this slag belongs.
all you Drumper sheep are a bunch of neo-nazi idiots with zero intelligence…..good thing he’ll only be here 4 years because he’s gonna ruin the country…..this orange asshole has no clue as to what is happening…..he cant build a wall because Mexico isn’t gonna support it and then who pays for it…..not my tax dollars…..gee maybe this jerk can start a war with them, huh? fucking idiots
I’d rip her pants open and ram my big 4 inch dong up her butt.