Miley Cyrus Naked (1 New Photo)

New hot photo of Miley Cyrus from Instagram. Lets have a smoke session. Miley Cyrus is an American actress and singer. Age 22.



7 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus Naked (1 New Photo)

  1. Sue

    , I can only assume by your reply that you have never seen nude breasts. She isn’t nude and doesn’t her breasts outside of what you might see in a bathing suit.

  2. Mickey Varco

    I may not know all the time but I do have a feeling that she will show off more of her body if she ever desides to take maybe dirty selfshots of herself or even pose more breast or ass in magazines’ we may never know yet but we can hope for some dirty selfshots or ever for her to pose in playboy if she ever dose it but let’s just hope on that part of her selfshot, what ever it could be.

  3. capt. obvious

    Just because she’s positioned in a way that you can’t see her boobs doesn’t mean she isn’t naked. From the look of the picture it sure looks like she is wearing absolutely no clothes hence naked.


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