Miley Cyrus Topless (2 B&W Photos)

Uncensored photo of Miley Cyrus by Todd Pendu (2015). it’s fake? Miley Cyrus is an American actress and singer. Age: 23 (November 23, 1992).


Miley Cyrus Topless

Original added (from Todd’s site):

Miley Cyrus Nude

11 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus Topless (2 B&W Photos)

  1. bandit is misogynist

    Shit its fake..where is the pussy shot? They couldnt photoshop it so they cropped it..

  2. Syndromee

    It’s definitely fake.
    It’s even the same nipple photoshopped onto both tits, just reversed lmao

    1. JW

      Funny thing is, is that she actually probably would. If she saw the message. It’s the photographers that have an issue releasing the full photo, not Miley.


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