Miley Cyrus Topless (2 Hot Photos)

New topless covered photos of Miley Cyrus. Oh, new pasties! Miley Cyrus is an American actress and singer. Age 22.




17 thoughts on “Miley Cyrus Topless (2 Hot Photos)

  1. Kevin

    Just stop with photos of her, its just getting sad. She used to be really controversial 2 years ago but she posts naked pics like every other day, no one cares about her small tits, flat ass, and worn out pussy anymore.

    1. dieslow

      any the flat ugly face, the veneer teeth, the tongue the mongoloid can’t keep in her mouth, and her narrow ass hips. Eat something and get some curves. No one wants to fuck a bag of bones. Put a god dam bra on for once. Small tits should not sag that young jesus christ.

      1. pboi

        figures u would post a comment…ur like clock work…pics of Miley, Kim, Nikki, Upton and ur making ur same stupid remarks. again, if u like guys better, go on a site where they post naked guys. I really think u hate women…ur bitching about miley being a ‘skeleton’, no hips and yet u call Upton, Minaj and Kim ‘fatty’ and ‘pig;…do u live in a fantasy world where all women are the perfect size (whatever ur idea of a perfect size is) and if they don’t meet your standards then they’re ugly or fatty or a skeleton? i’m sure if these women were to meet u they would be highly disappointed and probably give u the same treatment of insulting ur looks and manhood (if u had any)

        1. OP

          Actually this was my first comment on this site, Picking a very common name like ‘Kevin’ probably wasn’t a smart idea, but no, I have no complaints with Kate Upton at all.

  2. Capt. Obvious

    Glad to know you guys were elected to speak for everyone. LMFAO. Strictly speaking from a body standpoint I think she’s hot. I like my women slim with small tits. Just because a chick doesn’t have a Kartrashian size ass or tits doesn’t mean they’re not hot. I’ll be the first to admit she’s got some issues but she’s still hot.

      1. dieslow

        First, you must be 12 years old because who the fuck writes a paragraph post and uses “UR” and “U” as actual words you stupid illiterate fucking idiot!?!?! Learn to communicate properly. If you want people to think you are a functioning adult with a brain, take the 2 seconds and effort to type out the word “You’re” or “Your” you got dam lazy fuck.

        Second, There hasn’t been a Kate Upton post here in a while so GET THE FUCK OVER IT YOU FUCKING FlACCID PUFF!

        Third : “ur like clock work” ….Do you even grasp the irony and in that statement? Have you checked your own rock solid schedule of Miley Cyrus defense posts you queer knight in pink armor?

        And for the god dam record, Nikki Minaj is a fat pig with a fat fake ass. Kim Kardashian is a vapid fuck trench bereft of any redeeming qualities or relational argument for her benefit to society other than monetarily. She’s also quite a fat fucking pig as well.

        Now Kindly. STUF and move on. You don’t have the material or the wit.

        1. pboi


          so ur best response is to correct my use of the words ‘you’re’ and ‘your’? honestly I don’t give a fuck about Kim or Minaj, or any of them because I DON’T KNOW THEM PERSONALLY. but they are people and they are just doing what they need to do to make money. I’m sure u can relate to that…I mean, I’m sure u like sucking cock, but getting paid for it pays the bills right?

          1. dieslow

            Last time i checked, you spell words, not initials. Initials are not words. Just saying……you fucking asshat.

        2. pboi

          yes u do spell words, and yet u can’t even get the initials right, and if i’m not mistaken that was one of ur screen names as well. that’s like misspelling ur own name…dumbass

  3. pboi

    Hey everyone I just wanted you guys to know I’m a massive queer.

    I really like Miley because it means I can be attracted to someone who looks like an ugly meth addicted boy which is right up my alley.

    I really want to be pegged by a filthy junkie tranny looking thing like Miley Cyrus.

    I dream of that emancipated cock pushing my shit in every night and day.

    I want to lick my own shit of that junkie cock. Oh please oh please oh please I want it so bad I sometimes stick my finger up my ass and suck it as a preview.

    Hmmmm thanks boys I’m gonna go do it now.

    1. pboi

      now u want to be me…

      u know what, I do like Miley. when her hair was longer she looked pretty good and lately she’s doing some weird stuff and she likes to show off her bod…so what, YOU’RE NEVER GOING TO HAVE A CHANCE W/ HER OR FUCK HER, so why do u care so much? maybe bcause she’s got short hair and looks boyish sometimes, maybe u hate that u find her attractive and ur struggling w/ ur sexuality…just a thought

      1. dieslow

        its ok bro. you like chicks with short hair, small tits, no hips, flat face, zero ass, and overall, built like a 15 year old school boy. It’s cool. Everyone has their type……

        1. pboi

          yes I like women…short hair, long hair, brunettes, blondes, big tits, small tits…i’m an equal opportunity lover. but it’s ok if u like guys, to each their own

  4. Deviant

    Wow… That really blew up! Personally I think having sex with her would be like fucking a deckchair! My opinion only but i don’t intend to apologise for it either


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