There is one epic of him fucking Juliette Lewis, and he fucked Lindsay Lohan after her nude photo shoot, sadly he did not took pictures of how he fucked her.
These pics are hawt and the girls seem into it so no problem.
However, Terry Richardson is a rapist. This shoot looks all happy and willing but a lot of the lesser known models he forces into doing stuff to him and for him. A simple google gives you a whole bunch of testimonials from models he’s raped over the years. The guy’s a scumbag and needs locking up.
we need more pictures of terry richardson with other models
we need more pictures
It is said that Minerva was married and pregnant when these pics were taken.
There is one epic of him fucking Juliette Lewis, and he fucked Lindsay Lohan after her nude photo shoot, sadly he did not took pictures of how he fucked her.
Oh, yeah?
Whoops. Wrong commenter. My bad.
This is one lucky s.o.b. Using his job to fuck hot chicks and get head.
Terry never fucked Juliette and according ot him didn’t fuck Lindsay either. You are full of it.
Oh, yeah?
You have got to be one seriously fucked-up chick to put Terry Richardson’s cock in your mouth. Think about where that thing’s been.
These pics are hawt and the girls seem into it so no problem.
However, Terry Richardson is a rapist. This shoot looks all happy and willing but a lot of the lesser known models he forces into doing stuff to him and for him. A simple google gives you a whole bunch of testimonials from models he’s raped over the years. The guy’s a scumbag and needs locking up.
He’s got a decent sized cock!