Two problems here: (1) Blind plastic surgeon pumping the pig with plastic; and (2) the pig doesn’t own a fucking mirror and suffers from the illusion she looks hot. Lol, she doesn’t.
The fuck we do. Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho would be an awesome president. He was charismatic and he knew when to appoint someone to a problem he couldn’t figure out.
EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW she got more plastic then a kids doll
Instagram star? I thought she’s just a pornstar..
Ugly AF.
That looks awful
Dammit, where’s my dad?
Goddammit, where are my cigarrets and my alcohol son, go back to the grocery
Well that’s fucking hideous
NOPE!!! Fake ass, hips, tits and hair!
Instagram star? Wtf is wrong with people. I swear we are one more generation away from Idiocracy. We already have Camacho as President.
More plastic than a box of fucking Lego. An absolute monstrosity.
Somebody harpoon that thing ASAP
Two problems here: (1) Blind plastic surgeon pumping the pig with plastic; and (2) the pig doesn’t own a fucking mirror and suffers from the illusion she looks hot. Lol, she doesn’t.
The fuck we do. Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Camacho would be an awesome president. He was charismatic and he knew when to appoint someone to a problem he couldn’t figure out.
Fake News
Fake Body
Goddammit, wheres her age and nationality?
What a shame, a black woman doing that to her ass
So disgusting. It should be illegal for pigs to wear thong bikinis like that. I’m so nauseous right now!
Yeah, she’s hot to guys who mix cough syrup and skittles and wear their pants around their knees.