Olivia Munn Sexy (6 Photos)

Olivia Munn enjoys a day with friends in Hawaii – Instagram, 12/09/2017. Olivia Munn is an American actress (The Newsroom (2012)), television personality & model. Age: 37.



10 thoughts on “Olivia Munn Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. Turlough

    I know something a bit weird has happened to her face recently (a face-lift, botox or just the effects of age?) but she can still be smoking hot on occasion. The body’s not bad, whatever else you might think…

  2. Kruntander

    Munn definitely looked better before whatever face thing went down. I mean this (with wider, normal, pretty face) compared to this shaved down deal?

    Bad call. Will look gnarly when old

  3. aaron

    she doesn’t look like olivia to me with the sunglasses on and bad res pics i can’t tell my opinion but they all look gorgeous in their bikinis

  4. Spankmaster

    Someone like this I will quite happily allow her to be as bitchy as she likes to me, especially where I am tied down to a bed and she gets to be all evil, nasty and wicked to me. And as I have this scenario planned for next week, then I will keep you all apprised of it…


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