43 thoughts on “Paris Hilton Pussy Slip (18 Photos)

  1. Spankmaster

    Drown this thing in a vat combined of formaldehyde and domestos. After this entire fumigation, then and only then would I think of sticking my dick in even the direction of this skank. Let’s be careful, people…

      1. daniel brian

        So funny if believe that gossip bullshit about this disease, for you documentation she doesn’t have in no way herpes or such diseases, alright

    1. daniel brian

      so ridiculous , wanted to say her guard would knock the misogynism outta of your envyness, calm down and learn to keep some decency not only because she’s Paris but especially because first she’s a lady, also learn some manners before address to ladies, cya 🙂

        1. regardless

          but yeah that’s right there were only lies about herpes, shit some teens believe she was when the truth is that she has no diseases aight

  2. The dude

    I will eat it. Only because she is a Republican. I’m not a Republican, I just really like Republican women. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried one. I think I’ll vote for Trump I. 2020 though. I don’t mean to turn this into a political forum, but that guy has pissed off enough people to be my hero. Show me someone more gangster than that. Anyway, sorry about that, you can all go back to looking at vaginas now.

  3. Trump Takes It Up The Ass

    Bitch has herpes. Even Kim Kardashian is cleaner. This irrelevant old whore needs to retire her gstring.

  4. peter dobson

    On the corners in my town in the Kingdom of the Netherlands you can use her for 10 euros and fuck her without condom and dump her afterwards.
    She is ready to be taken into an alley and fucked brainless.

    1. Renna

      What meaningless 10 years old sarcasm
      Of course in the absence of a useful activity, some of you leave all the stupid comments, believing that it is fun to act misogynistically, but in fact members of Thefappening represent the ridiculous Mindful of Children based on such corny jealous ass replies.
      Actually that’s not big difference between Clickbaits and this website called ” Thefappening ” ” Smart ones from the most prestigious colleges may comment to read the content to realize this web was designed for some low journalists and their greedy purpose and sadly as waste of time for others naive teens nowadays.
      Only good thing is to leave this page anyway goodbye

          1. Women's Club

            no matter what haters gonna say Paris is Paris and she has more dignity humbleness than all these haters and gossip could achieve, peace!

      1. andrew

        so right, so many tampons replies from such guys like that one and spank one and other trolls no offence but that web’s became a waste of time it was anyway

        1. Women's Club

          And no matter what haters gonna say Paris is Paris and she has more dignity humbleness than all these haters and gossip could achieve, peace ! 🙂

      2. LOL

        So the last dick you sucked was too big for your little piehole? ıs that why you are acting like such a butthurt bitch in a site solely made for fapping? SJW whores are literally out of their minds.

        1. Renna

          And you could not help but act like other haters without a positive occupation beneficial to your time, Congratulations!
          You just got caught up into this social experiment that worked as charm that made you acted one more time like a hater showing your frustration and little experience when it comes to women.
          When a guy call a girl whore it’s because of envy, jealousy and actually based on a little culture replied back with such an excuse ” like site solely made for fapp ? ” No, this site was intended to make illegally money outta stolen photos of public people. That’s what you won’t agree better said in your tries to find an excuse to your reply because hates doesn’t have anything better to do than wasting their time spreading meaningless hate ass comments about public people or replies to other grown people that can’t agree to the hate ass remarks some of you trying to spread, besides that someday you’re gonna understand that a woman gave you birth so at least let this be the reason you might learn what respect is before start talk about a woman, and btw Paris more humble and sweetheart than haters expectations. Have a good day ! 😉

          1. Mr Markus

            Exactly Renna, exactly !
            but no doubt life’s either way or other is gonna teach them that respect and appreciation to a woman it’s essential, they will learn this for sure don’t worry

        2. Mr Markus

          So please stop waste your time if you believe that rumors about that herpes gossip on that unpopular TV press agency, the truth is that she doesn’t have any kind of disease for your documentation, alright?

          And let’s say if it was nowadays there are procedures to treated that herpes if it was the case, so she’s clean obviously. That being said rather think at your own business, no offence little boy, peace


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