Paris Hilton Sexy (6 Photos)

New paparazzi photos of Paris Hilton in a red swimsuit, St. Barts, 12/21/15.  Low quality 🙁 Paris Hilton is an American actress and model. Age 34 (February 17, 1981).



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4 thoughts on “Paris Hilton Sexy (6 Photos)

  1. jack

    You mean NO quality just like a lot of the entires on this website!!! But perhaps that’s why our Northkorean PBOI likes this site so much,,,,

    1. pboi

      r u a fucking idiot or just a fucking racist asshole? how many times do I have to tell u that i’m not Korean??!!! u fucking moron. I do know for a fact that ur a fucking douchebag, racist, cock-sucking, asshole because not once have u denied it. u want NO Quality??? look in the mirror, there is NO redeeming quality in the dipshit staring back at u in that mirror. if u feel that way about this site, why the fuck r u always here? get the fuck out u piece of shit, dirt bag

      1. jack

        So you have a rich vocabulary!!! That’s typical for North Koreans, just like denying, the same does your leader Kim Jong Un!!!!


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