Paris Jackson Sexy (30 Photos)

Paris Jackson strips down to a bikini on Christmas. The 19-year-old actress enjoys a warm holiday on the warm beaches of Hawaii, 12/25/2017.


41 thoughts on “Paris Jackson Sexy (30 Photos)

  1. Chez

    Ridiculous tattoos. She looks like a Google image search results page with some social media share icons thrown in for good measure.

  2. Robbo

    She’s pretty hot. If she grew some tits. Did a few hundred squats a day for a couple of years. Got some laser tattoo removal. Publicly disowned her paedophile dad etc

    1. Chris Manning

      Ok, I am able to live with that Robbo; I would disown him were I a garden slug and he was responsible for hatching me from mouldy apple. But it still doesn’t explain me giving birth to Donald Trump out of my ass…

  3. wawawe

    Why do hippy chicks always look so gross and ROFL at that midget boyfriend of hers. She’s probably one of those rabid man hating feminists. So she picked a guy she can beat on.

    Terrible tats.

  4. Severus Snape

    Her good looks are disintegrating at warp speed, while her mom’s bad genetics are taking over. Her ass is starting to slide south, she has no muscle tone, and if you want to buy some ad space on her body you’d better act fast.

  5. Brutus

    First thing I said to myself when I saw her name was,ok does she still have underarm hair. Yup she still does. Nasty bitch. One thing to let your pussy hair grow,I can deal with that,but bitch what’s the point of underarm hair for a woman? !

    It is that liberal bullshit,I’m a woman I’m free? No,it’s more like “I’m a woman,I stink” FOH next

  6. DarthVadersEx

    White people can have black children on rare occasions, and black parents can have white children. Paris has one of either “color”, so the odds go up.
    Do some basic genetics reading you racist pricks.

    1. Doug

      That’s me pissing on the page here to mark my territory. Really not interested in this orphan. I would have died and gone to heaven if Michael inviting me to never land so I could work on his nether regions. More interested in the little midget there. Goddammit, what’s he packing?


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