Poll: Celebrity Battle: Caitlyn Jenner vs Donatella Versace

Who won this Celebrity battle?

Caitlyn-Jenner Donatella-Versace

Caitlyn Jenner or Donatella Versace?

  • 1. Caitlyn Jenner (76%, 10,869 Votes)
  • 2. Donatella Versace (24%, 3,356 Votes)

Total Voters: 14,225

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15 thoughts on “Poll: Celebrity Battle: Caitlyn Jenner vs Donatella Versace

  1. capt. obvious

    Even though she’s hideous I’d have to go with Donatella cause at least she’s a real woman not some freak of nature attention whore.

  2. shut your mouth

    you are a fucking cunt for jumping on the cock chop off band wagon. Fuck you and Fuck Bruce Jenner. His god dam name is Bruce. Just because he’s fukked in the head and wants to chop his cock off doesn’t change the fact that his fucking name is Bruce.

  3. fuuuuuuuuuuuuuckthat

    This is one poll I’ll take no part in.

    You have a man thing vs the real life version of what Barbie’s look like after an M-80

  4. Spankmaster

    Aren’t they both transgender victims? One used to be a man (Jenner), while the other (Versace) used to be…erm…well, something vaguely human that might have had some sexuality of some sort at some time. Of course, as neither is capable of giving a fuck anymore, then similarly, I really don’t see why I should either…


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