Poll: Celebrity Battle. Round 1: Bai Ling vs. Kate Bosworth

Pick your favorite! One poll – one winner!


Bai Ling


Kate Bosworth

Bai Ling or Kate Bosworth?

  • Kate Bosworth (77%, 10,018 Votes)
  • Bai Ling (23%, 3,055 Votes)

Total Voters: 13,073

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Kate Bosworth won!

6 thoughts on “Poll: Celebrity Battle. Round 1: Bai Ling vs. Kate Bosworth

  1. Mickey Varco

    I did picked kate but don’t get me wrong’ I do love both women, I do love to see them get more exposed more often.

    1. pboi

      ur opinion…not everyone’s. how is she disgusting? do u know her personally? I met her and she was really nice, taking the time to take a pic and for 49 (I think) she looks great (in person as well…maybe a little too thin, but still looks good) BTW, I like both of them

  2. fuzzy

    Well I only picked Kate, because she was all the way nude in the pic.both are thin, and I do had have a thing for Asian. Women


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