Poll: Celebrity Battle. Round 1: Eva Amurri Martino vs. Carla Gugino 2 RepliesPick your favorite! One poll – one winner!Eva Amurri MartinoCarla GuginoEva Amurri Martino or Carla Gugino?Carla Gugino (57%, 6,020 Votes)Eva Amurri Martino (43%, 4,515 Votes)Total Voters: 10,535 Loading ...Carla Gugino won!
Henry September 10, 2015 at 5:40 amFucking tough. Ill take a younger Carla Gugino and an older Eva Amurri. Reply ↓
Didi September 10, 2015 at 5:58 pmCC over EA. And CC really looks great with short hair too. You learn to ride on an old bike, although, comes to mind we are from the same birthyear 😉 Reply ↓
Fucking tough. Ill take a younger Carla Gugino and an older Eva Amurri.
CC over EA. And CC really looks great with short hair too. You learn to ride on an old bike, although, comes to mind we are from the same birthyear 😉