some of the fake tits make me vote Fake..for example Jennie Reid, Lana Tailor, Erica Durance..but then I think of Keira Knightley, Selma Blair, Natalie Portman..& I say that it is the proof that you don’t need fake tits to be the sexy one..So I vote Natural!
Lots of assumptions from the fags in here that the people who have a brain and prefer tits (fake or real) that you can actually grab a handful of never touched any. Well considering the chicks=flat chested boys you homos like I can only assume that neither have you!
Would you rather have a natural leg or a false leg?
You can put your weight on them both, you can still run marathons and shoot your wife with false legs.
But it’s not the same
I always suspect guys that like fake boobs haven’t touched many of either kind.
I dont mind implants that look like theyre supposed to, I do mind Camel humps.
Right there with you man. Unfortunate representation of the fakes ta-tas by the OP though.
some of the fake tits make me vote Fake..for example Jennie Reid, Lana Tailor, Erica Durance..but then I think of Keira Knightley, Selma Blair, Natalie Portman..& I say that it is the proof that you don’t need fake tits to be the sexy one..So I vote Natural!
I prefer fake boobs but Natalie Portman is amazing.
Always prefer natural.
Small and real over big and fake any day, Nothing attractive about two breasts that look like boulders sitting on their chest.
portman got decent boobs, I think you got confused with her bodyguard in star wars, kiera knightly(never learn to spell her name lol)
Natural, of course. Natalie’s boobs are perfect! I love the small ones! I wish I could have boobs like hers
Those who like fake ones must have never touched any fakes ones or real ones. I wish them all the fake ones in the world..
Lots of assumptions from the fags in here that the people who have a brain and prefer tits (fake or real) that you can actually grab a handful of never touched any.
Well considering the chicks=flat chested boys you homos like I can only assume that neither have you!