Poll: Choose one Superpower


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14 thoughts on “Poll: Choose one Superpower

  1. Jon Snow

    Tough call really, I would love to experience the Ground Hog day effect, and retain all the skills aquired over this period, e.g the ability to play instrument very well or learn french etc etc

    1. SoKo

      I get that, its from Jessica Jones.

      But i feel it would be too much like rape.

      But you could ask direct questions, to cut out the dating bullshit, and get an honest answer.

      Women being completely honest? Wow! Now I do want the power of persuasion.

  2. PuppyMonkeyBaby

    The perv in me says invisibility. The sick perv in me says I’m going to Hollow Man me some wenches.

    1. asd

      Invisibility is way more useful than any of the rest, you can just become invisible and walk into a bank or whatever and take all of the cash and nobody would know you were there. Think with your brain not your dick people

  3. gumbosoup

    Why would you choose xray over freeze? If you could freeze everything you could remove clothing by hand and see the same or more than with xray, while also being able to touch it. Also, with xray vision not everyone you’d be looking at would be Selena Gomez. With freeze you could choose who to use it on, and avoid the fat chicks or the Micaela Schafers.

    1. Pedro

      “Why would you choose xray over freeze?”

      Maybe it’s because you’d probably end up killing a woman just to see her without any clothes on.

      If you choose X-Ray… at least you get to see her naked without having to kill anyone.

    2. Frederik_92

      All good points but remember it’s freeze buy physical touch meaning you have to get close enough to touch them without drawing suspicion, and you’ll have a real hard time trying use it in public areas without people catching on unless you run around like a madman and manage to freeze everyone.


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