Poll: Jemma Lucy vs. Natalia Nevin

Jemma Lucy Topless

Jemma Lucy

Natalia Nevin Topless

Natalia Nevin

Jemma Lucy or Natalia Nevin?

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25 thoughts on “Poll: Jemma Lucy vs. Natalia Nevin

    1. Arbuckle T. Boone

      Well because most of us think the tattoos make them look like street trash.I mean look at the comments, your the only one who thinks that’s a good look.

  1. pfml666

    Really not a fan of so many tattoos but if you google other pics of Natalia Nevin you can see why they hid her face to make the competition a bit fairer against Jemma Lucy who has a face like a chewed up shoe.

    Nevin is actually quite cute

  2. ChewyB

    If you wore a condom could you still get lead poisoning from these two . we shouldn’t judge them though.. they could have been im the navy or something?

  3. Andreas

    tats ae great when done professionally and flow in a theme…..all the rest of you prude dips doint need t look at their spreads, you know, unless you’re into judgement….make you children feel superior? thought so!!!!!!

  4. Jay~D

    Wow none of y’all like women with tattoos? First woman Jemma is ugly with or without tats, but I like the other woman Natalia good tats. Click her name she has a nice body and pretty face.


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