14 thoughts on “Poll: Jennifer Love Hewitt vs. Mary Elizabeth Winstead

  1. Sam

    I abstain . Neither Jennifer no Mary is eligible. Everybody knows the truth . By the way , Winstead’s old car is full of dents and hidden rust. Just have a look at hur car like a pro. That is a piece of rusted junk.
    Jennifer does not show her car because her car is worse than you can imagine. The car rusted to hur base frame several years ago . It is a pile of rust at a car cemetery. R.I.P.

    1. dET

      This the fappening. You are looking for the scrappening. It’s all about leaked celebrity car restoration. Easy mistake.

  2. Cycloben

    Jennifer Love has been hot for decades. I would still bang the hell out of her milf ass. This woman is a vampire. I wouldn’t last very long before being drained.

  3. Spankmaster

    I’d be happy to do both, but I’d prefer JLH simply because she has a better mouth for blow-jobbing. Mary only has that ‘fuck me, I’m innocent’ look that only goes so far when it comes to sleazy sex. So stand back please, we have lift off…


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